Quelling Boredom

I’m guessing you are on SU10 Beta?

For the Longitude: aircraft-longitudeFDEfix-v1.95-su10beta.zip - Google Drive

For the CJ4:

That file is available on their Discord.

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For some people that error is related to system time (go figure) here is a thread:

Hilarious the issues are identical in the two planes I attempted to fly. Yup, SU10. I just didn’t have any time to dig into it until later today. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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I managed to haphazardly land the CJ4 a couple times and survive. So I think mastering it would be fun. It’s actually quite an easy airplane. Those Cessna jets handle better than the F18.

Even somehow survived landing the F18 and then spent the next 15 minutes trying to figure out how to turn the engines off.

The Got Gravel Vertigo is a blast. I have so much fun with that airplane I try not to fly it much as it’s performance is so unrealistic it can spoil you.

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Something else you could do for a little fun is put multiplayer on and then do loops through the St Louis Arch with a few other sim pilots.

Someone at MSFS must be running metrics on how many people do that.


Learn to fly gliders! Thats how the story of aviation began in real life.
The Discus 2c combined with Kinetic Assistant could be a very nice start.

Later (much later), try yourself at the PMDG 737NG or the Fenix A320. For a hobbyist, it can easily take a decade before you truly master these planes and know all their systems. Depending on your fascination with planes and how much you get into the details, it might actually never get boring…

Good luck and happy flying!

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Definitely going to give the Discus a shot.

Or wait until the weather radar is released, and create interesting intense thunder storms and closely observe the weather radar and program routes around the hot red supercells :smiley:

Has anyone ever encountered weather conditions with purple supercells?


I would even pay these guys at Asobo and make Paypal donations to FINALLY make them bring a weather radar after all these years, and some new thunderstorm supercells and new thunderstorm-Cumulus-Castellanus cloud formations :smiley:


Ok, been flying the Discus and I have no idea what I am doing!

So simple and yet, there’s an entirely different technique to it all.

Definitely worth the download. Will keep flying and learning this.

Also, the HJet is working brilliantly for me with the new patch. Definitely an easy gateway into business jets.

Flying gliders is a skill you have to learn step by step, like any thing more complicated than surfing the internet.

But it is extremely rewarding, and a real challenge too (once you go cross country).

All the skills you learn to fly a glider help a great deal when you try powered flight. I speak from own experience: started with gliders as a boy and later transitioned to UL’s, followed by GA single engine (and even later the 737-700 in MSFS :slight_smile:)


I have been quite charmed by the Sting S4 and how it takes to the up and down drafts, so I can definitely see how this would quickly apply to powered flight even though for the most part I have just powered through it up until now.

It is funny because there’s hardly any systems to learn, and the cockpit is as simple as an original Piper Cub. The complexity, like a Cub, comes from hand flying and having to learn to love the art of flight anew.

I was expecting to be charmed by something more complex than what I have been flying, but this is so much simpler, it makes me really feel the air. I can totally see how this could impact and adjust my technique in GA planes going forward.

For now, I am just lucky to land it back where I took off from. But I don’t expect to learn it in a day. Very fun. Hands on. And oddly relaxing.

I was a bit in the same boat. Buzzing around in GA aircraft. Doing some Neoflying and Skyparking.
Not tried airliners much.
Then I bought the Fenix A320. A lot to learn, but it was a fun process learning, watching videos and reading stuff. But I ended up in the same challange as with GA: where to fly and what to do.
Then I bought ‘A pilot’s life’(APL) where you fly real routes by real airlines. It all felt much more fun and with a purpose now - visiting new places, learning about new airlines, trying to ‘score’ ok etc.
A lot of fun - try it out😉

So if I fly airliners now I use APL(really good Simbrief integration together with the Fenix).
After a few legs its fun to go back to some GA’ing.
Waiting for the new Neofly update (+new Skypark) to see how they are, especially for GA aircraft.

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I was in a similar situation as you.

Then I got the BAE 146 as a gift. I wasn’t ever into the tubeliners, but this plane turned it around for me.

The systems are a weird combination of old and new, so I am learning a lot.
It hand fly’s like a big stoll aircraft, so if want to fly by hand like a GA aircraft, she is a pleasure. I have done flights, where I never used the autopilot.

The abilities of the aircraft means I am landing in interesting airports like London City.

The lack of Magenta line was scary at 1st, but now I enjoy planing and tracking my flights on charts. Learning a lot about navigation at the moment.

This took me out of my slump, maybe this will work for you as well.

Good luck


Well if you really want a challenge, try to fly helicopters! For me it was a big learning curve.
It’s totally different than an aircraft and for me, much more difficult. And if you like to fly low and slow, do some sightseeing or perform rescues it is perfect.
I can recommend the H145 from Hype Performance Group. My first choice this past months.

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If you want to try helicopters, try the freeware H135 (everything included), or the freeware H125 (requires AirlandFS, but I would say it is more realistic).

For something lighter, try the freeware Cabri G2 (also requires AirlandFS).

Get a friend, both choose a Pitt or some other slow piston engine plane and have a dogfight. Rules, you must have view set to cockpit only, to get a “hit” get a screenshot of your adversary squarely in front of you as close as possible, like 100m or less, and at the same time shout
“Bang Bang Bang” over your TS so they know they are being shot at. Jets are too fast and you need weapon radars to get firing solutions (but then again there is no harm in giving it a go with jets and seeing how difficult it is). Slow piston planes are more fun as you need to be able to do acrobatics to get behind someone. To make it easier turn off damage, but it is much more fun having damage on as it makes you have to think about the limitations your plane has.

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The Sting lands well once you come in slow enough (55 kts on final and under 45 kts across the numbers).

My big issue is overspeed for the flaps is 75kts and if you get distracted and let the nose drop with power on it is very easy to exceed that.

Totally empathise with the OP here because I’m in the same boat at the moment.

Maybe it’s the hot weather here in the UK (yes, I kid you not!) but it’s not the fault of the sim I will say that.

Having now totally and absolutely blown the credibility of any advice that I can offer, all I can say is that, maybe give the sim a break for a week or so like I’m doing or switch to other hobbies until you feel the pull of the sim again. I don’t think it will be long because it look’s like there’s a lot to look forward to in August and later in November.

In the meantime, there’s also the forum here to keep updated and chat with ‘us’ friendly simmers :slightly_smiling_face:

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I find mixing it up really helps. If you just fly the same plane in the same places then sure sooner or later it can start to feel a bit tedious.

So I fly various airliners in all different parts of the world. Simtoolkit pro has a great feature for randomly selecting airlines and destinations. Through that Ibhave discovered plenty of interesting places that otherwise I might never have thought to visit.

I fly smaller planes such as the SR22, BN2 Islander and PC6 Porter and go touring round various countries or areas. And then finally I use a Stearman biplane for sight-seeing specific cites and landmarks. All that gives me endless fun and keeps me interested .

Oh and if you don’t already then using something like VATSIM with online ATC and other pilots adds a lot to the whole experience as well.

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