X-box live Error 0x80004005 on PC

Suddenly I cant start MSFS anymore. Im logged in on Windows, Microsoft store and xbox live on my pc. Im also logged in to Microsoft365, x-box on web. When starting MSFS i get Error 0x80004005. I been searching around but cant find much about this error. I have also been trying loads of none working solutions. I also did the Fix App in windows. Anyone know how to fix this.

Same here !!!

I have that issue and i resolve enable upnp in my router for msfs2020 PC.
You can see this post too.
Xbox Support
Xbox Support
You can test in windows/game/xbox network
Sorry for my english.

Thanks for your reply, but i had already tried all on those pages without success. So, I wanted to continue try to solve this issue and started up MSFS, then this showed up.

And after unwanted reinstallation MSFS works. So now its a day and 3 with addon installation.

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Hi, Iā€˜ve got the same problem here. Is there any solution that works for you?

Iā€˜m using MSFS version 1.18.15 and tried a lot of things including:
reset Microsoft Store
empty community folder
reinstalling xbox gaming Services
Updating win10

But still getting the same screen with this horrible code 0x80004005.

Any ideas?


Mod Edit: Unfortunately, I canā€™t help you. But I have had the same problem for a few days and hope that tomorrow it will be done by itself with the updateā€¦

Helfen kann ich dir leider nicht. Ich habe aber seit einigen tagen das gleiche Problem und hoffe, dass es sich morgen mit dem Update von selbst erledigt hatā€¦

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Mod Edit: Supplement:

I have deactivated the ā€œteredor-filterā€ in my Fritz box.

Whatever that isā€¦ I stumbled upon it by chance by google. Now it goes.


Ich habe in meiner Fritz box den ā€œteredor-filterā€ deaktiviert.

Was auch immer das istā€¦ Bin ich zufƤllig durchs googlen darauf gestoƟen. Jetzt geht es.

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Ok, vielen Dank fĆ¼r die Infoā€¦ ich schaue mal, ob das was hilft. Wenn ich dAs Teil denn finde :wink:

Ich werde berichten.

Edit: Der Filter war es auch nicht.

i"m still stuck with the Error any idea how to solve it ?

I just got this problem today and done everything possible that was recommended, and no success :frowning:

I figured it out! Finally!

It was the timeā€¦Make sure you have it auto updated your time, in the Time and Language settingsā€¦Somehow mine got knicked off today or yesterdayā€¦After doing that it loaded right up! Hallelujah lolā€¦

Thanks CodyLang your comment solved my problem.

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Good to see you fixed your problem!

Happy flying :slight_smile:

I have got the same problem today, suddenly I could not start MSFS on my PC. What is X-box live? I donā€™t have a xbox.
What to do to start MSFS again? :roll_eyes:

Same problem here (Spain)

Same problem here now (Italy)
I whent to xbox site and it says there is something not working, we may have problems loading games. Donā€™t know what to do, I am not an expert and I donā€™t even have an xbox

Been away a week while MSFS has been undated, now trying to start MSFS i get the same error
Anybody with a solution ???

It is new.
Chek here:

Thank CodyLang ā€¦also worked for me. Problem solved

I tried CodyLang solution and it didnā€™t work the first time
But then I noticed that my time and date were already in automatic.
So i tried again, but first I set time and date to manual. Then click on sincronize.
Then set again time and date to automatic.
It worked. Thanks for the suggestion.
I hope this can help others.