Quest 2: Jerking Flashing and Black Bars




for me it is impossible to play the game on my VR Quest 2 at the moment.
Whether with cable or via Virtual Desktop.
I can’t get the game to run without flashing jerking etc.
The picture jumps from one place to the next, where you get eye cancer.
What am I doing wrong? I’ve tried so much about Oculus Debug Tool or Tray Tool, nothing works.
my laptop Acer Triton 500 , RTX2060


für mich ist es unmöglich im Moment das Spiel auf meiner VR Quest 2 zu spielen.
Egal ob mit Kabel oder über Virtual Desktop.
Ich bekomme das Spiel nicht ohne blinken ruckeln etc. zum Laufen.
Das Bild springt von einer Stelle auf die nächste Stelle, da bekommt man Augenkrebs.
Was mache ich falsch? Ich habe schon soviel ausprobiert über Oculus Debug Tool oder Tray Tool, nichts funktioniert.
mein Laptop Acer Triton 500 , RTX2060

Might be just a matter of ASW off in Tray Tool. Save and restart the tray tool to see if that helps…

Also, did you test the USB3 in the oculus software?

If that doesn’t help, this was my first assumption… ( and yeah, i might be wrong, but this is what my search came up wtih and i’m still searching and updating as i find more information)

Your laptop can handle the Rift and Vive with “ease” according to a review(nov2019) i read… but here is the catch.
The default resolution per eye per headset.
Oculus Rift 1080 × 1200 per eye
HTC Vive **1080× 1200 **per eye
Oculus Quest 2 1832 × 1920 per eye

Although the review i just read boasts that it can handle VR with it’s 2060 Vr ready card, and it’s 16gb ram, it’s main display is only 1920x1080. In VR, on the quest 2, it demands about 3.5 times that capacity… and compared to other VR headsets it must reach 1.7 times the amount to run the quest 2.

Sorry m8, that’s how i think about it… i might be wrong, but i think the quest 2 might be a bit too much for the laptop, even though it’s a good one.

The only thing i could think of is: drop the resolution, both in the headset and in the game, to see if that makes a difference.
Also with the tray tool, turn ASW off, as that seems to help the RTX3080’s rather than the 1080 and 2060/80 series.

Sorry, hope it helps.

Woof ~ Woof & Salute

and… a moderator just translated your post, so i’m in english here.

Perhaps your laptop is thermal throttling since MSFS 2020 uses so many CPU cores and maxes out your GPU. Make sure you can run a test program like OCCT for a few minutes at your CPU boost frequency near 4 Ghz.
Also as above, start with the very simplest / lowest settings (res width = 2912, encode bitrate = 0) - maybe 90Hz , clouds at medium, MSFS Render Scaling at 1600x1600, FOV=.75;.75, SuperSampling = 0 (1.0)
Start testing performance using the Oculus HUD display with the Mt. Everest flight which should be the easiest on your system - get that tuned up before tring other scenarios

Is it jerking so much so that it actually changes your view? Do you have to reset your view when it happens? I know my Quest 2 would lose its tracking and jump all over the place. I finally fixed it by making sure all my other tracking hardware and my secondary monitor was turned off while using VR(which is always). If you are having this issue make sure TrackIR, tobii and anything else with ir tracking is turned off. The ir lights confuse the heck out of oculus tracking. Bright sunlight and reflections off of shiny surfaces can also give the tracking a hard time. A good way to look for really bright lights and ir light is to turn on Guardian while wearing your headset. Anything really bright will show up as almost “white noise”, try turning off really bright stuff, then just turn off guardian when you find the culprit.

Hatte gleiches Problem nach dem neusten Nvidia Treiber bei HP G2 auch. Versuche folgendes:
Im OpenXR die Laufzeitvorschau einschalten, das Rendering auf 70 % runter und Motion Reprojection auf Automatisch und die Headsetanzeige von beste visuelle Qualität auf hohe Leistung umstellen. Viel Glück

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