Someone was saying texture supersampling would solve that. Try it, doesn’t tax performance too much.
Otherwise, make sure render scaling isn’t too far down, since that will blur things up ofc.
RTX 3090 FE edition here along with an overclocked Ryzen 9 5950x , plus the Quest 2. Almost unplayable, it’s likely some setting or odd issue going on here.
I’m getting good FPS. Some slight stutter now and then but certainly very playable.
I did a flight in the flybywire a320 yesterday with no issues apart from the blur which isn’t a major issue. I can live with it. I just can’t see airport signs all that well
9700K GTX 1070 Quest 1 - Everything LOW or OFF except TAA. Super Sampling set to 70.
It’s not the greatest, but it’s plenty smooth and playable. Average fps I would say is around 35 - 40. Not sure how Microsoft is doing this because at these framerates in DCS I would be puking. This is using native Oculus runtime. It runs a little smoother using the OpenXR runtime with steamvr, but it has it’s own issue of a weird barrel distortion wobble thing going on.