Quest 2 Users; Excellent Results/Performance with VD!

I had spent months tinkering with settings and all the tools (OTT, ODT, Nvidia, OXRTK,etc…), but now have excellent performance and detail by simply getting Virtual Desktop. No add on tools at all. Here is a short 30sec video I just did and my settings…

5950x 3080Ti 32g

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I was thinking of trying virtual desktop, now I think I will. Thanks

For $20, can’t beat it…

Just bought it cause I heard more good stories about VD.
First impression with default settings is absolutely terrible. very choppy frames.
I’m on i9-11900K 3080ti

I’ll go through all the settings and see if I can improve anything.
Is there any motion reprojection. (I assume VD only works with steamVR?)

I use the OTT with motion reprojection 18 Hz which gives me very fluid results.

You need to get rid of all the other tools. Just use Steam VR and VD. You system is similar to mine so should be good with the settings I posted.
I start MSFS, then when in the main menu I put on the headset. Once in the headset be sure VD and Steam VR are running. You should see a new background in the HS when Steam is running. Then go into Vr from MSFS.

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Do you need video buffering? I always kept it off for latency. Not that I know if it’s impactful or not. With a good or dedicated AP it shouldn’t need any buffer.

I tried it both ways and didn’t notice a difference.

Have you tried boosting resolution?

I’m getting 45 fps on the G2 with an OXR override around 3000x3000. Native resolution with OXR tweaks should hit some high rates.

I’m currently running Steam at it’s recommended res of 3200x3400 (the vertical line in the above steam settings.), and 100 in game. I just recommended the settings above as a starting point so there is room to go up as various systems can achieve it. I’ve tried OXR toolkit since it’s first beta and retry at each release. But it’s just not as stable and gives the occasional flicker and pause. But even then, it’s no better in the graphics department. I’ve really wanted it to work but if I can get this kind of quality and consistent performance with no other tools or add-ons, then I’ll take it.

I would love to see a video clip looking sidewsys over the wing while doing normal bank. I cannot imagine that would look smooth without MR. Even @50+ fps.

Recorded this last night. Is this what you meant?

Looks pretty fluid to me.
But what I actually meant is looking sideways and then start the bank, while continuing to look sideways.
This is usually a good test but, given the video, that will probably be look fluid too.

Yes, it’s the same regardless. There is part of the video where I am banking as I am looking, but it’s the same.

Did you get your issue straightened out? I could never get the native Oculus streaming anywhere close to VD. This was on a 5800X/RTX3080ti.

I was using the same settings as above but with Video Buffering off and VR bitrate on max. There is also the encoder you can pick from the desktop app.

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