I really thought FSLTL didn’t use live traffic but they kind of do?
User Guide – FSLTL – FS Live Traffic Liveries (general info - better description at the link below)
It doesn’t seem to do it like Enhanced Live Traffic which only smoothed between position reports. In ELT planes could be sideways on a taxiway or other oddness until things caught up. FSLTL seems to use flight schedules a lot and that user guide refers a lot to AI traffic.
They do say they are using FlightRadar24 to know to inject aircraft but they apparently inject either in air or at a gate and then FSLTL takes over the way I read it. Again, if I read that right, they are real aircraft being injected at about the right time (30 sec delay) but if it turns on a particular taxiway, the injected airplane will take whatever route the injector decides to get it to whatever runway.
“Because we can’t inject already taxing traffic - anything on the ground in FR24 moving or not - will be put at the gate. If the aircraft then moves in FR24 above 4kts - we will mark it for departure and the sim will start the preflight. This is why people seem to think FR24 injection is 5 - 10 mins delayed - it’s not - it’s 30 seconds. It’s just how long the sim uses before pushback for the preflight.”
It sounds like they start planes at gates and then take over, or in the air and then take over. If you check the guide, they also explain how to get it to do more realistic departure and arrivals.
It doesn’t sound like they are actively monitoring flights around a player except for new planes within your circle. But if a plane in real life takes off, declares an emergency, and returns, the injected aircraft would probably still continue on to destination.
Maybe someone knows for sure, but according to those pages it’s apparently normal that someone at an airport would see planes doing very close to what the real airplanes do, even from the proper gates since they are placing planes using FlightRadar24 data.
Which may also be how they are getting around streaming data. ELT streamed like a bandit getting aircraft data every few seconds. It sounds like FSLTL is accessing different data sort of. They talk about planes over 4kts on ground being moved to gates to depart - apparently if you spawn in at an airport but I don’t know the exact circumstances and I don’t know where they are getting the 4kts speed info. Maybe the data comes in a real call to FR24 for map data but is very careful to limit how much it does that?
It seems the ADSB information is only used to place aircraft, though. After that it’s FSLTL and historical schedules and replaying standard procedures. But those links are all I’m going on.