Question about graphic settings

i have a Question to the more expierienced users regarding the Graphic settings.
I have 3 Ultrawide Screens running on a nVidia RTX3090.
MSFS runs very smooth, also on Ground at the Airports.
But there is only one little Problem.
As example when i am on the Taxiway and a Taxisign passes on the left or right side it is very hard to see.
When i stop the Aircraft then the Taxiway sign is very good to read.
I tried making a Video, but it is very hard to see on a Video, so it makes no sense.
When i am taxiing at about 15kt it looks like a bit unsharp lets say.

Does anyone know what settings i can try to fix that ?
I am a bit confused which of all the settings can help.

At the end you can see my MSFS Graphic settings.
The nVidia settings are unchanged except the Shader cache is at changed to max and the Power setting to max.
On Ground i have arround 25-30 fps, in Air arround 50.

Thanks for any tip

It could be artefacting resulting from DLSS. Have you tried changing Anti-aliasing to TAA to see if this fixes it ? The frame rate would be lower though.

You have ‘BewegungsunschĂ€rf’ (Motion Blur) set to Ultra. Try setting it to OFF instead.

Also, what is your monitor refresh rate set to in nVidia Control Panel?
Since you have vSync ‘Aus’ (ON?) at 100% monitor refresh rate, any motion as you pass nearby objects will cause the effect you are seeing if the monitor refresh rate is low.

The more times the monitor refreshes per second, the clearer the taxi signs will be as you move past them.

You think it is running smoothly but it is not, it’s because the frame rate is low. Triple screens will cut your frame rate by more than half. I get 70 to 80 fps on a single screen but 30 on triples. 30 is ok in the air but not great on the ground. Time to start saving for that 4090 and a better CPU

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If i’m understanding your description correctly, it could be, as was said before, a motion blur problem, there is a setting in the game, which you could try
 and then there is the response time of your screens. If the problem is the latter then im afraid you are stuck with it, sorry
 I know that because i am stuck with it as well
 and it is most noticeable in sharply defined objects that, by virtue of the current pov, are moving fast across the screen. If this is your problem, i have found that taking measures to improve fps does help with this
 a little bit
not too much though.

Response time is an excellent observation. Totally different than refresh rate.
The latter is how many times per second a screen is ‘rewritten’ while response time is how quickly each pixel can ‘light up’ when it is refreshed. The two are often related, but slow response time can definitely cause motion blur.

I would like to know what your fps is in the situation you describe. The reason I ask is because what seems smooth in the air doesnt seems so smooth on the ground. In my case 30 fps seems very smooth in the air but when taxing on the ground its not as smooth as I think and is more noticeable when objects are going by quickly

Yes, try “BewegungsschĂ€rfe” (Motion Blur) to off instead Ultra.
And maybe “DLSS Superresolution” to Quality will help too.
Good Luck.

thank you all for the Tips
i will try them out, “Motion Blur” will be the first i try.
The monitor refresh rate is 144 if you mean that ?



144 is your refresh rate, your problem may be response time, they are different things although they are related. Refresh rate is the amount of frames per unit of time that your screen can accept (higher: better), response time is the time that each individual pixel of your screen needs to change state (lower=better) if you are like me, and drive 100 miles because there is a good deal on screens at “el cheapo” megastore
 and now im stuck with a screen with HIGH response times, which is not what you want for gaming
 its not something one can configure or change
 it is what it is

One way to diagnose whats going on here, is to pause the game just as the offending object (in this case taxiway signs) is crossing the screen. If, while paused, the object is clearly visible and sharply defined, and when you resume the game it becomes blurred again, then your problem is likely to be response time. As in too high a response time.

Very nice monitors.
144 Hz is a good refresh rate.

The response time for that model is a reported 1ms MPRT. 1 ms actual pixel refresh is impossible.

MPRT is a trick that some manufacturers use to reduce flicker. They claim it’s for reducing motion blur, but it isn’t really
It’s a marketing ploy. That’s not to say it isn’t useful, because it is. It just doesn’t directly reduce motion blur.

You might want to make sure it is enabled on your monitors. You don’t want to enable MPRT and vSync at the same time. Also, believe it or not, reducing the monitor refresh rate can in some cases actually reduce motion blur. Maybe try 130 hz in nVidia Control Panel.

And in the monitor settings, enable MPRT (if it’s optional) and turn Adaptive Sync OFF. Then turn vSync OFF in the sim.

Let us know what happens.

i am sorry, but what is MPRT ?
Will i find this in the Monitor settings directly or in the nVidia Settings ?
I am sorry, but i dont know much about that.

vSync is always OFF in the Sim and in the nVidia settings.
I will try setting 130Hz in the nVidia control Panel for the next Flight.

But i turned off the “Motion Blur” and it feels a way better only turning OFF this one setting !
Thank you very much for that Tip !!


i bought this Monitors on Amazon ( 3x the same one )
Samsung C49HG90DMU 124,20 cm (49 Zoll) Curved Gaming Monitor (3840 x 1080 Pixel, Ultra Wide 32:9 Format, 144hz, 1ms) mattschwarz

 my screen is nothing like those

i dont know what that means

But yes, when i pass a Taxisign, it is blured, when i stop or Pause, it is clear.

Nothing, i was just being silly. I mean my screen is a cheap screen so i have a massive response time problem. Your screens on the other hand, are pretty top level imo, so one would expect the problem lies somewhere else other than response time. But you never know.

Ahh ok,understood.

I found a setting in the Monitor settings itself about the Response Time.
I set it from Standard to Fastest and now it is a way better.

Thanks for all your Help


Honestly, in regards to MPRT I was just repeating what I researched for you.

Your monitor’s spec sheet says “Response time = 1ms (MPRT).”
Researching that further I found some notes about what it is, and how it works.
I really don’t know if it’s configurable in the monitor settings (sorry, you’ll have to search for that yourself) but I did find a common thread that talked about turning off either MPRT or vSync to minimize motion blur.

I see now that you’ve had vSync turned off, so I think you’re on the right track.
I’m glad things are looking better for you.

How about a picture of your cockpit? Three 49" curved monitors is pretty darn impressive!

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I think what i found in the Monitor settings was the right one.

Here is a Pic of my Sim:


ha ha!! WHAAAATT?? that is incredible!
id show you a photo of my setup but i would have to first move the hay stack and chickens out of the way
still being silly

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yes, takes me a long Time to get it working.
But works only with a Software called Prosim737, which is not really the best, but the only one which can deal with the Hardware and having the PFD/ND/EICAS/FMC on another PC’s ( 3 in my case )

If i could i would use PMDG, but with this you can not connect all the Hardware and you can not have the PFD/ND and so on on another PC’s. :frowning:
