Question for everybody

I have the Steam version of MSFS.
For those who are having trouble, more specifically CTD’s and could this be related to the different install and update processes are you using Steam of did you get it from the Microsoft
Just interested.

You’ll need to be more specific.

‘Having trouble’ is way too general.

Both versions are identical, apart from the install / update process (only the initial package, the update process from within the sim is identical again).

The only other major difference I can think of between the versions is the billing system for the marketplace.

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Made post more specific

Please make the thread title more specific as well. Thanks.


I’m not sure you can dig deep enough into CTDs to draw a relevance to Steam vs MS-Store/GamePass.

For example, I’ve had three distinct CTDs since Friday.

CTD 1 was related to a crash with the MS TTS service, and it coincided with ATC talking to AI Offline planes. this happened in flight.

CTD 2 was when I tried to use the Flaps Mod from Yetty on It CTD’ after clicking Ready To Fly.

CTD 3 was when I tried to modify a sim generated High Altitude IFR plan to reduce to my Enroute altitude from 31000 ft to a lower altitude. CTD after clicking Ready to Fly.

I suspect all of these would have happened regardless of which Store I bought the sim from.

You have to be more specific of the potential causes behind CTDs to draw a correlation to Store origin.

A few weeks back, there was a discussion about both versions being the same. I believe it was Jummivana that replied saying she spoke to the devs and they said it was 2 distinct, different versions of the sim.

I looked, but I can’t seem to find that conversation. :confused:

If I knew what the cause f my issue was I may not be asking questions.
Sorry if the question is to broard.

You might want to try eliminating some known root causes;

Clear Mods in Community Folder.

Disconnect and reconnect Controllers.

Make sure all your components are not over/under clocked.

Turn off Bing, Photogrammetry, Live Traffic and Weather.

Objective is to get a series of flights sequentially without a CTD.

Thanks for the suggestions, I will give that a go

The only difference is Steam ‘drm’ and the locations for the addons/core data which are also for drm purposes.

I would assume that as well. And did. I’m just reporting what Jayne said after asking the dev team. I don’t know the details or mechanics and she didn’t explain it. She just said that the dev team said they were distinct programs. Whatever that means.

Maybe he means different (test) builds on Steam. No idea what else could be different.

In one of the first Developer Q&A videos after launch, it was explained that there are two different launchers launching the exact same program and resources. The extent of said launchers was not elaborated upon, but I think it’s safe to say that they’re only involved at the very beginning.

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@Cygnifick @hendis55

This is the post I’m referring to. I assumed they were the same. Jayne says the devs tell her otherwise. Make of it what you will.

I think she/they talk about the difference of how the store licenses are handled. So, platform instead of account based. In that regard they are different, it would be strange if they used different builds. It checks what platform it is run on and branches to either Steam or Store, there are a few Steam id’s in the executable. Why they aren’t account based no idea, but that is another topic.

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