Question on quickviews

Hi everyone,
Hope all is well. I am using my yoke with a hatswitch and what I noticed was when I zoom out in the cockpit with my mouse wheel to get the view I want, when I hit any one of my hat views it snaps back to center but zoomed into the panel. What I am looking to do is if I zoom out with my mouse wheel or the (-) key and I do a quick look it retains the position I had with the correct zoom. Not sure if anyone else noticed. My hat is tied to cockpit quickview. Thank you in advance

try to dont use quickview. Assign your hatswitch to camera up, camera down and so on :wink:

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Yeah, the quickview system is just not good, which is inexplicable but really not a surprise. The proper way of doing hat-controlled views in flightsims was developed over 30 years ago, yet frequently devs try to re-invent the wheel in more recent games, and it’s never very good.

So anyway, to get decent views in this game, I recommend the following things:

  1. Get TrackIR (and maybe VR when available). TiR works so well I haven’t used the hat to look around since it became a thing.
  2. If you don’t have TiR, make your hat use the free-look views, so it’s like using mouse view. With this, you can put your view where you want it, zoom in and out as needed, and it will stay there. Then you also need a button programmed to reset the cockpit view, which will snap you back to looking ahead at the normal zoom level you’ve chosen for that.
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Thank you, I have a track ir kicking around somewhere I will have to find it

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I will give that a shot. Thank you

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If you used X-Plane 11, and liked the camera system there, this video will show you how to do it. You can put the camera in a vertain view, and save it. Then just press say 0 on the num pad, and it gets you back to that view (i.e, ctrl+num pad to save a view, num pad 0-9 to get back to that view, - and + to move forward and backwards)

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This is extremely helpful, thank you! Xplane has a great view system and the presets were great

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