I was on an ILS approach in the PMDG 737 and have a question regarding this indication on the display:
Does anybody know what this indicator is showing/telling me and/or how I am supposed to work with it?
Sorry for the washed-out look - dunno what my screengrabber was up to lol
It tells you if you are on descend profile. It should activate once you start your descend from cruise level. See page 60 in the PMDG_737_MSFS_Tutorial.pdf
I’ve had the same issue with screenshots - I think it is because you running the sim in HDR and the screen grabber does not support it.
Try switching HDR off and then retaking the screenshot.
Or use XBOX app to take screenshots in both HDR and SDR formats.
Ah - yes - HDR - that makes sense - thanks!
March 6, 2025, 7:47pm
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