Question reg msi afterburner

does someone know how I can get rid off the vertical color line on the left side of the screen.
in windows view its gone but fullscreen not.
I have no idea what to change so the vertical line is gone.

Got a screenshot?

There should be an option at the bottom left of the afterburner main screen that says something like “enable overclock at startup” you move your mouse to the little light and click it to turn that feature off. Then when you restart it should stay stock. Another option is to just click “reset” and then “apply”. Reset brings up stock settings and “apply” engages them.

how do I make one in the game. I have no GF experience and windows+alt+printscr doesnot work.

Use Windows Key + SHFT +S for a screen print

no there is no small button on main screen. and with shift instead of alt doesnot work either.

For future reference, if you press just the print screen key, it puts the image in your clipboard. You can then go on here and press Ctrl+V to paste it into your post while you write it. Saves me a ton of time :wink:

file is too big says in the information with contr+V

made the size smaller, as you see on the left side there is vertical line flickering

And that line goes away if you close MSI afterburner?

Not sure what that line is can’t see an option that would add that.
does it show in full screen on the sim?

Close the DEVELOPER mode…

developer mode doesnot make any difference. yes it is in full screen.
probebly i have to search for another app for framerates and other.
the inhouse one is to big.

Just uninstall and re-install afterburner. As that doesn’t usually appear not had it myself.

Hi TeenageBloom0

Just a thought, I am presuming you have installed Riva Tuner?
I thought Riva generated the on-screen part of Afterburner, so the setting given you that strip could be caused by RivaTuner Statistics Server App.
The Riva app has a myriad of settings so you can display any font, position, size, colours, etc. I would have a look at that first, maybe quicker to just reinstall Riva.

P.S. don’t save settings when un-installing!!!

In the meantime I just installed a new version and this one hasnot that annoying flickering.
so that one is solved. I have a last question: I have ram and cpu etc in the left corner but I cannot check the framerate in the afterburner under monitoring, show in on screen display . any idea?

Hi TeenageBloom0

This is probably a silly question, but you do know you have to Highlight the checkmark first, then it will change the greyed-out section below.

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thank you that was the problem, I clicked on the name instead of the check sign.

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The only reason I knew cos ave been there, done that!

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