Quick Tips For Patagonia Bush Trip

Quick note, i landed on runway 07 and came to a full stop. The Achievement did not pop. I taxed into the gas pumps and stopped the engine and it still did not pop.

Then i taxied back onto the reciprocal of runway 07, and stopped and the Completionist Achievement DID pop for me. (Yay)

You CAN use the Direct To Function In Conjunction with the VFR map to find your way. It does create a line on the VFR map ( which I’m curious if this is causing the achievements not popping) but the completionist achievement popped so I’m going to say it’s safe to use.

This Bush Trip has a TON of crosswind landings; Leg 2 in particular is a fast quick curve ball.
Remember to land on on your upwind tire, and deflect your ailerons into the wind so your wings dont catch and you tip over.

Here is a VERY useful video for those that are curious about how to accomplish this. Cyndy Hollman is the best.

However “Fire And Ice” As Well As “Anemoi” have yet to be unlocked.

For those attempting or will attempt the Patagonia Bush trip, i suggest NOT landing on Runway 07 and loop around for the radial of runway 07.

Landing, Taxi, and Turn around Starts On Play.

Im glad i got the Completionists Achievo, but i would have love to have gotten all 3 after spending 3 whole days going for these suckers.