Radeon RX 5700XT

Can’t switch to VR mode, get an error “Your GPU doesn’t match the requirements for VR compatibility”

My hardware:
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
RAM 32 gb
Radeon RX 5700 XT (drivers 20.12.1)

I think it’s a common AMD driver problem. Roll back

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I have the 5700xt and vr works i use with riftcat on mobile but this should n matter , i guess is the driver my drive version is 20.8.3

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i’m on a 5500 xt oc and i’m on 20.11.2 and seems to work

But honestly i have it normally running like a 5700 in terms of clock speed and that actually crashes my whole system playing anything VR that way. i’m confident it’s a cooling issue with the CPU as i have 750w

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Thank you, guys. I’ve rolled back to 20.11.3 and everything works fine


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