Rain Effects and Effects in General

It looks like I missed a Dev Q&A that’s now closed on the topic but my question is are there any plans to get the effects in the sim like this? (The replay of the landing is my favorite soooo realistic)

The graphics in this sim are 9/10 but the effects need major work.


great video…i miss also rain effect like that…for now, there is nothing, even i select rain weather …nothing or just little drizzle…can not wait for an effect like that, hopefully in the next future…

the rain mist trails coming off the wheels on the external view at the end were very realistic looking - they should also be added to the winglets and flaps edges and at the tail surfaces too in a rain squall like that.

Very nice effect though for sure - as well as the view through the windscreen - very ‘puckery’ in that cockpit under those conditions.
I remember flying into Colorado Springs in a 737 for a hockey tournament in a thunder storm and being dumbfounded by the volume of water being consumed by the engines - well - the port engine anyway, as we were seated just ahead of the wing leading edge and had a perfect view…
It was quite a landing too - very hot with a lot of heavy braking and thrust reversing the second the wheels bumped the ground. Just like a dang ol’ rodeo

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Rain effects are already more or less decent, but one of the effects I wish they would take a better look at are contrails and the wind effects. For now contrails really look bleak, and don’t show any visual improvements from the ones I saw in FSX. Yes, they look believable watching from far away but up close they are really hard to notice unlike the real ones that look way more thicker. My other wish is to see the wind stream effect implemented, as for now it’s not even there. You can see those streams and vortexes occuring on the wings in humid conditions.

wow now I want it, thank you >:(

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We just need FONCTIONNAL windscreen wiper, before new rain effects ^^


Main problem with the rain effect is, if you are not in the clouds, there is no rain…

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There is! Yesterday, approaching Pamplona, I got tons of rain below the clouds, they were dispersed as well, it looked amazing.
Thankfully I took some pictures (when you passed through the rain you got it in your windshield):

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well they add more effects with dx12, so lets see then, but for now that part is kind a meh
rain by itself looks pretty good as does wet runways.
also you can never compare 3rd party with the original.

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I don’t know… Maybe settings have something to do with the quality/quantity?

Just did an approach into CYVR from KLAX in the 747 couple nights ago. Hit massive rain squalls on descent over the sound. VERY short final, I was able to barely make out the threshold and first 100ft or so of the greens. Not only was the rain intense but also patches of mist. Once on the ground, even taxiing was a challenge. Visibility was brutal without usable wipers.

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Not sure if the X-plane rain effects are that realistic though, when stationary on the ground it might look like that, its a little over the top in flight. I like the X-plane condensation effects and tip vortices though… Totally unimportant but a Aurora effect at higher latitudes would also be cool.

Its not a realistic effect at all. Its a bug in X-plane where it shows the effect of tires on a wet runway also in flight and when stationary on the ground when there is wind. In other words placing the aircraft stationary on the ground with a little wind, it looks as if the wheels are moving across a wet taxiway.

I used to live a few miles from KSAN and only slightly offset from rwy 27/9 and during foul weather or offshore winds the aircraft use rwy 9 which brought the tubes pretty much over the house at just a few hundred feet - and so a fun thing to do was to tune live ATC and watch them come down through the overcast (sometimes) crabbing against the crosswinds and plowing through the rain. Trust me when I tell you that - with the gear and flaps down and in a proper rain squall, there are vapor and rain trails dragging and blowing around behind every control surface, wingtips, landing gear, flaps -

Agree but thats a different effect than the spray of water behind the gear in X-plane in flight, its a bug.

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Interesting…I guess I should have said ‘in general’ so as not to confuse the most literal minded forumites

They are working very hard on the effects. A lot of discussion about it during the SDK Q&A that was just released (see News and Announcements). Basically, they are keenly aware the contrails aren’t working. In actuality, the contrails can be seen for over 12 miles away or something like that, maybe 60,000 meters? I forget. But, they are currently tied to the visibility of the airplane they are coming from, which currently disappears at I think about 2 miles. So yeah, the unintended consequences…

But they are working on it.

Plus, as you’ve all seen, they mentioned that the effects we saw in the video were all created with the SDK tools that are either already in the current SDK or will be released with the XBox release, and developers will be able to develop their own effects. I know I’ve seen a section on effects in the SDK documentation, though I haven’t perused it yet.

I’m kind of surprised no one has made ‘airshow smoke’ yet for the biplanes and Extra - since we’ve already seen a similar effect used on the cropduster…

Those effects are not by default in Xplane… its an addon, same for snow effects. I am sure a 3rd party or ASOBO will improve with time as they have been updating the effects features in the SDK.

Compare to real, not add-ons

These rain on windshield are not realistic from the main post addons, they should be thinner water streak line moving in up direction, not small mixed with droplet down direction. When aircraft is in flight, rain on windshield goes up direction in front and different type of droplet streak.

Each aircraft behave differently from windshield type, turbine\props position, from stop, start, ground, taxi, low\mid\high takeoff, sky and landing position.

The MSFS rain on windshield works with denser clouds with precipitation level setting and speed, these affect how it end up on the windshield. If real weather don’t use or have it at higher level, you will see lower effect, custom more, since it’s preset.

Different aircraft not Boeing.


Great posts everybody. I’m not knocking ASOBO in anyway. I’m just pointing out for ASOBO not to focus on just graphics and for the sake of “realism” in the sim as far as weather goes to make sure that “effects” like rain/rain drops/and true storm conditions/turbulence like in the video I posted don’t get their proper attention (and if that means 3rd party then open the sim up for them to do their thing to help the sim thrive. For a sim that the developers themselves say is a 10 year project? There are some things I believe should be ironed out in the first year or so. But I’m not a developer and I know it’s a big sim.

sim lol it’s a game