Rain visible inside the cockpit on the right lens


does anybody else seeing raindrops on the right eye extend over the windows inside the glareshield and pillars? I’m seeing this on the A320 and CRJ, as those the aircraft I use, not sure about others. This was not before SU7.( I know about raindrops visible on the inside, but not that much)
I’m using the latest drivers on a HP Reverb G2, I also reverted back to 457.30 but was the same.

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Yes, this also happens with icing. They did fix the lighting issue however reflections have not been fully fixed and there is a difference between the left and right eye. I see this with reflections in aircraft aswell and in reflections in water. Sometimes there is also an issue with clouds in the distance where there is a light shimmer only in the left eye.

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I have this issue too. Using a Reverb G2. ONe eye is correct, in the other the rain is “rendered” in front of other surfaces…

Since there seems to be a topic already on this, I’d recommend participating in the linked Bugs & Issues topic above.

This was also discussed here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/rain-leaking-into-cockpit/474616

Closing as this seems to duplicate.