Raindrops inside the cockpit

I just reported this at zendesk (concerning at least beechcraft baron an oculus quest):
In heavy rain some drops make it through the front window into the cockpit in VR. Perhaps this is sort of a distance error?


Glass is not modeled in 3D in the sim (at least, that‘s what I read somewhere on the Aerosoft forum). According to Aerosoft, that will change in the future and rain drops will stay where they belong: on the outside. It is probably for the same reason that the wipers don‘t clean - they only wipe back and forth over the windshield, while the raindrops hide on the inside :slight_smile:

Asobo will fix this eventually. Until then, put a virtual bucket under the windscreen so the cockpit floor won‘t get wet :rofl:

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Another bucket challenge? :wink:

You bet!
High quality buckets will shortly become available on MSFS marketplace…

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