Raise penalized flap speed limit in career mode

Raise the speed at which the flaps speed penalty occurs, from Vfe up to 150% of Vfe.

IRL, all aircraft are engineered to withstand 150% of their anticipated load factor for certification.


It’s getting ridiculous. Yesterday I got penalised for setting the first notch of flaps in the Beaver while STANDING STILL before taxiing onto the runway. :man_facepalming:


Surely not?!

That happened to me too a few times. Super annoying.

The new patch seems to have fixed the issue. Tried it for a couple of hours and did not have a single occurence of the problem.

How about now?

also irl you would never under normal circumstances set flaps when speed is greater then the given max speed limit for that notch. Sometimes it’s also recommend in the POB to set specific flap setting at a given lower speed than the max allowed to reduce wear.
With this logic you could also raise the penalty for overspeed, cause there’s also safety marigin included…or even every given max limit…

So the penalty is ok, as long as the speed limit corresponds to the limits given in the POB

Yes, this needs to get fixed. Asobo says they worked with aviators and manufacturers to get 2024 better than 2020, but this is an important oversight.

From the Cirrus Vision Jet SF50 AFM:

I got dinged for extending 50% flaps at 170 KIAS.

I think what they did was just look at every plane’s Airspeed Indicator and assign the penalty to hit people if flaps went down at all when indicated airspeed is anything above the “white line”. They may not realize that line most often represents speed maximums for fully extended flaps and doesn’t allow for any other Vfe’s.

The pipe-dreamer in me hopes it’s just a matter of someone looking up proper Vfe’s for planes and editing a config file somewhere so the penalties are better tailored to the aircraft. But it’s probably more complex than that and they have bigger fires at the moment. :confused: If they messaged me and asked me to give them a list of proper speeds, I’d do it! haha

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