I think there is a huge RAM leakage with the new world update over London.
I have 32Go of RAM
Ryzen 5600x
With the Savage Cub (so one of the less demanding plane for the GPU)
Over New York: perfectly smooth (40-50 fps). Only a few late photogrametry textures loading but nothing too distracting. RAM Usage: ± 16 Go of RAM
Over London: Unplayable: (30 fps at best but most of the time : 15-20 fps) and photogrametry is awful. Many buildings don’t load properly. RAM Usage: ± 25 Go of RAM!!!
I tried enabling or disabling Rolling Cache: same issue.
Hopefully this will get fixed in the future. So far this is the only place where this happens.
but usage of 25Gig RAM is not unusualy in case of “more detailed areas” in MSFS. Therefore I wondered me about the heading and issue reporting related to the memory.
Related to performance since exist already other threads.
I agree 100% brother. Funny thing. Flying over London last night I saved the flight while I was getting 10-17 fps in the Cessna 172 steam gauges. Later I went back in to the saved flight and was then getting 37+ fps. What’s with this?
I don’t know if RAM is my issue but the photogrammetry data is awful for me around London (120Mbps stable connection) I have 24gb of RAM - I also have trouble loading buildings in New York too.
I’ve still got a theory that it might have something to do with the sim servers struggling at the moment because so many of us are flying over the same area, namely London. The sim is struggling to get all the data needed to render London properly so is loosing performance. Might not be true but its just a thought.
Has anyone tried pre-downloading London to their hard drive? Each time I try the entire game crashes. Makes me thing there maybe is just way too much load on the one area.
Yeah! It’s also something that I thought about. Now that I think about it, when the USA World Update came out, I remember having terrible texture over NYC (I don’t remember the RAM Usage…).
I did further testing and 25Go of RAM is very unusual for “very detailed areas”. On avarage over photogrametry cities: 16Go of RAM. (NYC, Tokyo, SF, LA, Seattle Brussels, …)
And yes, I created a new thread because here I focuses specifically on RAM Usage.
I would only say that usage of 25GIG RAM, in case you own 32GIG, is not worst.
Why not use the RAM which exists, for which you pay’d ?
What a application not should do, is try to consume more memory as you have RAM installed. And this do MSFS and creates a high load at the pagefile. In special is there also a commited memory value, here is an example how it looks if Taskmanager tell that MSFS consume 16GIG memory.
Just came here to add that I checked my RAM after flying patterns around EGLC and I got to 31.93Gb of 32 used. My system reported 7Mb free with a whole lotta paging going on. Even New York and Chicago with downtown scenery and KORD addons never took me higher than 23Gb.