I recently started going through this as well after not having problems for quite some time. Even the crash in the world menu (specifically when trying to start a content manager update), which was a first for me.
Aside from the tips already listed, check the Windows Event Viewer. There’s a quick explainer here.
When looking for reports at the time of the crash, you may find it reports another program is actually causing problems. In my case, I think part of my problem was Logitech Options started crashing in the background unknown to me, and that happened at every sim CTD. Since I don’t really need it, I uninstalled it and the sim became much more stable. I wouldn’t have known without the event viewer. I’m still getting the occasional CTD, but I’ve been stuck figuring this one out. Now it’s telling me it’s a Live Kernel Event error, but the error info isn’t giving me anything to go on.
This sim do be fickle at times.