Random questions about real world flying a 172 and minimum VFR

Ahh, okay, so you went to a part 141 flight school, then. (And I used the term “ACS”, but it would have been called the PTS back then.)

If you want to get back into the swing of things, there are several flight schools that have a ton of videos online. We’re not supposed to talk about real-life aviation here too much, but because this is about applying this information to MSFS, I think it’s okay. In a previous post, I gave a list of some YouTube channels that are excellent resources. Another ground school has a playlist that you can just sit and watch. (I think that that instructor is very arrogant, but he knows his stuff.) Or you could go down to your local flight school and tell them you’re a rusty pilot and they’ll set you up with a few hours of instruction. But, I don’t want to go too far down this conversation because we aren’t supposed to talk about real-life aviation here.

Don’t get me wrong. I would like in-sim weather tools, too. In fact, I was saddened that when they introduced in-sim METARs, they didn’t make them available from the World Map when you’re planning your flight. But I would also like a weather system that would be close enough to real-life that I could use real flight planning tools. Let’s hope we have them both some day!

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