Random Screenshot Megathread 2


Installed my sexy new Livery… one based at my local airport!!! I love the vintage paint jobs and those stripes/lines

Melbourne to Shanghai yesterday… (max range… and then some).

NOTAM’s included… much ‘unspecified action’ around Manila and the… freedom of navigation operations running in the area. I also noted a heads up for active UAV’s and a warning about a C-130 refuelling tanker operation underway, plus 2 volcanoes erupting!!

These notam’s are making for some interesting reading.

Of course I can’t forget the cyclone. omg… pandemic info, ‘warzone’ issues and a cyclone and volcano. Move along…nothing to see, just an ordinary day !!! lol

directly over Broken Hill… the area where the MAD MAX films were filmed and the edge of my sales rep territory…



Night flight from Jacksonville FL to Mobile AL in Cessna 172 G1000. Working on the Jack of All Trades challenge. This is one of the planes needed to complete the challenge.

At the same time this will complete 50 hours of IFR or Night Flights, or both.

I did get a message stating that I accomplished my 50 of nigh flying :slight_smile:

Over Tallahassee



I flew in there the other evening.


Leaving Spokane Felts Field behind, heading for Stevensville, Montana.

Magnificent Lake Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Passing by Silver Mountain Ski Area, just outside of Kellogg, Idaho. There is a very long gondola that takes skiers from the town on the valley floor all the way up to the base area. At a few points where it crosses some valleys the gondola cars travel directly over people’s homes. Anyway, it is a fun little mountain and it can have good snow.

To the north of us lie the Selkirks, Lake Pend Oreille, the town of Sand Point, ID and Schweitzer ski area. Of that, only the Selkirks are visible from this altitude.

Another view of Kellogg and Silver Mountain.

Passing Lookout Pass Ski Area. I’ve never skied there, but I’ve heard it is a great little area.

Thompson Falls, MT and the Clark Fork River. On a whim, I decided to call an audible and head to Kalispell, Glacier Park instead of continuing on to Stevensville. Seeing a bunch of red on the terrain radar, I slipped up to 9,500’, which seemed like a much more appropriate altitude for clearing the looming peaks.

Managed to pick up a little ice and frosted over my my windscreen. It was severe enough for a moment that the engine started running rough and I had to switch on the alternate air.

Taking the scenic detour over Flathead Lake, Montana now that my windscreen is unthawed enough to see out of.

Over the west side of Flathead Lake. I’ve ridden that road on my bike and some of those hills are extremely painful! Couldn’t figure out how to go direct in the GNS 750, so I just plugged in the localizer and hand flew the intercept and the ILS RWY 02 approach. Had a great cockpit shot on short final, but I must have forgotten to paste it.

Welcome to Kalispell, MT; Glacier Park International Airport.

Parked for the night at Glacier Jet Center. They were very accommodating and gave me a premier parking spot.

In with the heavy iron and a view of Whitefish Mountain Resort. I wonder who owns the private Boeing 757 sitting out on the tarmac? If the weather stays good, I’ll loop back to my original destination at Stevensville and then fly to Lewiston, ID via Missoula and Lolo pass.


They got the shape right, but someone needs to get the Google 3D tile for Studio Ghibli Museum.



Leaving Teterboro (KEB) for Tampa (KTPA).



Take off from Larnaca International Airport LCLK


Appreciate the video.

Yes, the simulation is quite beautiful and true to life.

Eventually I will learn how to make a video.

All the best.

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mont blanc


Very nice…

Appreciate the descriptions as the scenery is quite true to life…

Another place to fly around in the sim…


Lake Biscarrosse, France

AquaPark Biscarrosse, France

Brico E.Leclerc Home Improvement Store, France

Aérodrome de Biscarrosse - Parentis, France

Parentis-en-Born, France

Cloud cover looking east at the coast of France from Étang d’Aureilhan

Mouth of river at Étang d’Aureilhan, France

Cemetery at Mimizan, France

Turning Final to Runway 08 at Mimizan Airport (Aérodrome de Mimizan), France

Final to Runway 08 at Mimizan Airport (Aérodrome de Mimizan), France


Blows my mind that you can literally explore the world in this sim!

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Brittany, France


Bringing Hopper 8188 back to PHNL from Hilo… this chopper has great range.


In reality, that typhoon (you’re in Asia now!) won’t cause you too much trouble. I’d be more worried about that Volcano. As from north of Hong Kong (BEKOL near Guanzhou is normally the crossing waypoint from memory) you’ll be in Chinese airspace. Hope you swapped to metres! Nothing like getting a call to climb to 10700m which works out to 100’ higher than you are! :rofl: The Chinese generally descend you very very early, generally half way between ZGGG and ZSPD you’ll be already down into the 7-8000m range.
The drones won’t be near your level so the risk would be low - but you never know!

Epic flight for an A320! Are you sure you didn’t refuel? :wink:

Anyway - hope you appreciate the insight!