Lots of aircraft showing zero stars and zero ratings, even aircraft I’ve bought and left a rating for.
Since Jorg explicitly stated Asobo will not be quality checking marketplace items and there is no easy refund method available, I must strongly complain that the marketplace ratings Asobo expects us to rely on aren’t working.
For the moment i would recommend you to watch review videos on youtube or look the addons up on platforms like simmarket. There you will find out in most cases if a product is worth its money In MSFS you only see (or dont see) stars but no comments which is a bit sad but it is like it is. Hopefully there will be an imrovement on the marketplace rating system in the future
This is a really annoying intermittent issue. I see lots of promising things on the marketplace, but I’m not going to spend $25 on 3rd party sceneries with no rating. I’ve already been burned by 3 airports that looked promising from their own description but the quality was on par with FS2004. Had I seen the star rating at the time I could buy it, I would have thought twice or opted for the freeware version.
@moderators can this topic be moved to the appropriate Bugs & Issues subforum so it can be tracked better?
+1 for making this a bug topic. It’s ok that marketplace content is uncurated, but only if the rating system is reliable. Many products show zero ratings / zero stars, which makes it hard to distinguish between a high quality product and a bad one.