Top of my wishlist for this lovely aircraft is to map the TOGA function to another ‘field’ and return the #2 Engine Fire Bottle s/w to correct display.
The purpose would be so that both Fire Bottle switches could then, hopefully, be made operational/functional for practising Engine Fire emergency drills.
Should be easy enough to map another button for TOGA, look for TOGA in the sim controls options.
However I’d guess the existing operation is “baked in” to use the fire bottle button, although there may be something in the aircraft config file you could change.
You could ask on the Working Title Discord CJ4 channel.
Look for this option to toggle TOGA mode.
Thanks for the info. I was hoping someone could tell me (not a computer expert at all) whether it was possible to access the .cfg file and map to another visual area. On another aircraft this TOGA function is mapped to a screw-head on the Mode Control Panel - there is a very suitable screw-head on the Citation.
I did not want to map to other buttonor switch on <Controls - Options>.
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