Real area size photogrammetry for brussels

I know I’m going to sound like a chauvinist campaigning for his tiny country.

But in comparison with the immense areas covered by the photogrammetry of the United States’ cities, I find the photogrammetry of Brussels ridiculously small.

I also believe that the Bing’s map services have a misunderstanding of the city and think that it is geographically limited to its thousand-year-old historic heart.

However, the current city is much larger, and the current photogrammetry covers only 30% of the real surface.

I agree. Brussels is a small city. In a small country.
But it is the capital of the European community, and it is also an important hub in the transport network.

It’s so sad to take off from the airport and see horrible autogen houses and buildings.

Can we hope for an update in the near future?
If you vote, the Belgians will thank you by producing the best beers and the best chocolates in the world.

love and peace be upon you
A Belgian, living in a small town, in a small country…

Photogrammetry is not captured by Asobo but bought on the free market and/or possibly commissioned where none is available. It could be that a larger area doesn’t exist for Brussels or that quality in peripheral areas was so poor they decided against it. There is no magic solution.


I must agree, but we can always dream.
When I see the quality and extent of 3D photogrammetry for Brussels on Google or Apple maps.

I have however noted that the area covered by MSFS does correspond to a higher quality area on the BING maps (aerial pictures with isometric views, etc.) which does not cover the whole of Brussels either.

MSFS scenery always lags behind because there is a lot of correction work that needs doing before it’s saved to the MSFS database; trees, shadows, watermasks etc. Who knows maybe one day there will be direct links to live satellite for our kids and grandchildren to enjoy but right now I’d be happy if they fixed the Isle of Man :dizzy_face:

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :slightly_smiling_face:

I admit that the task of correcting all the sceneries is undoubtedly gigantic.
And yes, we can actually dream (or not) that in a few decades, satellites will send a live 3D image to our flight simulator. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have to admit anyway that Asobo exceeded my wildest dreams with the incredible work done for this version of Flight Simulator.

I still remember proudly buying my version of Flight Simulator 5.0 on 3.5" floppy disks after playing flight simulator 3.1 and being thrilled to see the first mapped textures. :grin:

it was 30 years ago :smiling_face_with_tear:

So thank you again Asobo for making this dream come true


OMG They finally did it !!
What a lovely Christmas gift !!
City Update V bring a new full map of Brussel with the entire outskirts of the city… It’s huge and very detailed… Many thanks to Asobo and Microsoft !!


Great!! I was wondering what was new in this update, since brussels already was PG.

Wish granted! This was added by City Update V.