Anyone participating in this thread have any idea or understanding of how Weather Injection could/would/should work? From my understanding, VATSIM Controllers previously had the ability to inject weather into the simulator of pilots, depending on a number of variables (Real World, Event, Historical etc)
Is it at all possible that Microsobo have possibly changed something somewhere to allow for this to happen with VATSIM and at the same time, REX’s developers have found this and decided to take advantage of it?
This is purely hypothetical on my behalf, please don’t take it as fact — It’s been out laid as a question.
Would have considered buying it ONLY if they were offering a completely reworked and more realistic depiction of clouds. Right now the clouds in the sim are missing alot of features and are incorrectly represented also the coloring is very off.
Right now I see absolutely no reason to buy this. A solid pass for me.
You’ve had ATIS that reads correct? Personally all I ever get is Visibility 3 (yep, even on a clear sunny beautiful day), few clouds at 500, few clouds at 4000, few clouds at 12000, etc. Got to the point where I only use ATIS to get a pressure reading, which thankfully is usually correct to with a point or two.
No, that is not the best solution. It makes me crazy that so many people here think that it is okay or correct for third-parties to have to fix the game’s marquee features three weeks after it launches. If Asobo isn’t going to carry this through to completion, then they owe those of us who want it a partial or complete refund of the purchase price.
What is the best solution is for the developer to fix all of the game’s problems, especially the marquee features that were heavily marketed as the OMG revolutionary buy this “release”, definitely not an alpha/beta game NOW.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but I would argue that the solution of the actual issue would be, to paraphrase, for MSFS to put correct weather in airport and the MSFS engine in the area. Not REX, or ActiveSky, or whatever.
Amen to that. Add ‘unfulfilled promises’ to those two and you can guess what I will do with this upcoming release: ignore it.
My plan was and still is to enjoy myself with MSFS out of the box as much as possible: I might buy one or two airplanes but I certainly won’t spend money on anything REX-related. Fluff, marketing and unfullfilled promises indeed.
When using online weather its not a model … but the downloaded weather from stations. Upper winds are moddeled. The atis feom eham is exactly as the metar from eham
The thing is that something like a weather engine is pretty important to a flight simulation game. In fact, I would argue that weather is the only really dynamic content in the game. The planes and the planet aren’t really changing. When a developer makes one of these games, core features should be well-done and complete. Because of this, there shouldn’t even be a market for REX or ActiveSky to exploit. Can you imagine Asobo sitting around the table at their daily scrum… okay team! we’re going to make a great weather engine, but it needs to ■■■■ just enough for third-party devs to make improvements and thus some money off of… That’s ridiculous.
There can and should be room for improvement from third-parties in certain areas: more planes, scenery, etc. It just isn’t realistic to expect the prime developer to make every plane in the world, or provide ultra-detailed representation of every place in the world.
It is realistic to expect a completed, thorough weather engine.