Real Environment Xtreme Announcement | REX Weather Force Weather Engine

And what is in reality?

I’m simply curious why people don’t do tests in their home area to compare…


to me it isn’t

I agree, from what I’ve seen of REX I am sticking the the MSFS version. According to Jorg they are committed to making their Weather system the best it can be, and, I have never seen such an amazing out-of-the box weather system. I know others have been experiencing issues, apparently, but where I have flown and with my setup it’s just been jaw-droppingly impressive.

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Thank you very much for your advertisment. That’s not investment, that’s burn money burn. No, thanks.


Money trap…this it is!


I agree. This falls into the quick buck category. I think the people that have bought it, and claim to really like it, are just suffering from confirmation bias. There’s not much to applaud in WF, not even for the low price of $22. WF is a hard pass.


Both MSFS/meteoblue “global weather” and REX METAR-based version has its pros and cons. It’s useful in some situations to have accurate wind and altimeter information for destination airports etc. Also I understand the limitations to this method. I’ve had good experiences both with default and REX and are not swaying heavily in either direction.

I have only tested REX vs METAR reports and in that respect it seems accurate. As for accuracy of weather between METARS and vs real world I cannot judge.

Just my personal opinion, really.

To be honest, the only thing that was really ever good about REX was the textures not the weather engine. There were always promises from version to version but it never really delivered, with a ton of problems. I don’t trust the new one, because of that.

ActiveSky was so much better and I hope HiFi Simulation will make a version of that for MSFS.

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Hey I have both live in MSFS and REX and I think REX presents more bang for the buck, Icing is unreal, you have turbulence and guess what, the weather is the same as it appears in my home airport when I look out the window - I don’t know what MSFS uses but it does not match up with reality and besides, the REX interface is much easier to find your position than that idiotic nav log in MSFS, unless you’re using the GPS of course. Hey for $20 bucks - I like it. Have both and get better results with the add on - my opinion and I am sticking to it.


I’ll agree with that, but not in the same way you meant.

I’ve had to turn REX off, unfortunately. It may be a consequence of where I tend to fly and the distance between METAR stations, but I frequently get pretty radical swings in weather conditions and temps in even just 100 nm flights. I didn’t notice this the first few days of using REX, but there was an embedded high pressure cell over the area so maybe everything really was stable across a broad area. Since then, I may take off and be flying in scattered clouds at 7500 ft at 7 Celsius, then an update happens and I’m suddenly in a cloud that wasn’t there a second ago and the temp is now -5 Celsius and I’m icing over bad, even though the REX app shows the temp should be +5 C.

Really, for me it’s just the transitions from one weather situation to a completely different weather situation at the drop of a hat. That, and the temps at altitude always seeming to be about 10 C too low (on the ground they seem fine, though). I’ll start a flight in my aircraft of choice which doesn’t have an active window defroster or structural anti-ice that should be perfectly VFR flyable per the REX app, then wham, I find myself struggling to find a lower altitude to clear the window and wings before I slow to stall speed in surprise pop up IFR conditions. It may be more accurate per METAR station, but for me, the smoothness of the MSFS transitions outweigh that accuracy.

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Agreed, i have noticed the same and in fact today, Icing caused me to crash. However, I do find the cloud draws more attractive and the turbulence to be a little more realistic. Having both products allows me to play with them and see how the differ. Rex is coming out with their first patch shortly so perhaps they will clean up some of the issues you mention.


Been doing some more testing using Global Forecast System (GFS) data from In between METARs, REX falls short of MSFS which is much closer to forecasts. Winds and temps aloft can differ significantly in REX compared to GFS data. With long distances between METARS, REX can show CAVOK in overcast conditions and then relatively abruptly (even though it appears gradual in the sim) change conditions.

I’ll keep switching between REX and default weather, but for now I guess MSFS has the upper hand. As I’m not on VATSIM or similar I don’t need accurate altimeter and wind information from METARs. Would be good though if MSFS could implement METAR data somehow.

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Hopefully the update will solve the massive FPS hit during transitions. Just tested the FREE unreal weather mod and it works flawlessly with no FPS hit during transitions.

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Now REX refuses to start on my system. This happened overnight.

Hey guys,

I’ll keep this short. Done 2 hours of testing and there’s not much to say.

One Metar station says things like “Mostly clouds” or something… And that makes the majority
of the area “that kind of weather”. Not one sign of cloud layers, it sort of looks like some kinda
actual “placement thing” going on, but so far its been very disappointing.

If somebody can prove me wrong, please do so. Here are the pictures, they speak for themselves.








absolutely not worth it


if that’s what one gets out of it, well…

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It doesn’t stand a chance. Those cloud formations is what doubles the fun with volumetric clouds
for me and thats gone, so (at least in its current state) its clear for me.


I’ll stick to live weather in game, even with some flaws for now.


This is what i said after first day,

that MSFS system is perfect as functionality complex, also with MeteoBlue but they need fix very hard this issues with weather. I’ve closed some years ago support to 3-rd party weather developers because that was not normal, each year need buy new products and same bugs again. Hope for default sim weather will be improved, no other way still…