Added an RSG GNS430 & GNS 530. Love the gear when it works. However, on most occasions the GNS530 does not get recognized as a USB connection by Windows. Nothing to do with the sim at all, Windows just doesn’t even recognize that it is connected when you look under Ports in Device Manager. Restart, shut down and then restart - same problem. Shut the sim down for a couple of hours or a couple of days, then you come back and everything works fine. Anybody have this gear and have a similar problem? I’ve been working with RSG support - the sent me a replacement GNS530 and it is doing the same thing as the first one.
In case anyone stumbles across this someday…
In addition to the RSG 430/530 that I’m running, I also have a circuit board which controls some Flight Illusion gauges. That control board was running on Windows COM port 3. For some reason, that is what my GNS530 was trying to connect to also. I simply went and setup a new COM Port and mapped the Flight Illusion gauges to it (thank God that built that config into the G-Step UI), problem solved. Gauges now connect to the COM 7 I made up and the 530 connects on COM3 with no issues. How in the name of God I was able to figure that out, I have no idea. Six hours of guessing and trying things - hope I save somebody the same trouble down the road.