Real World Pilots, please state your feedback about the flight model

You should really stop spreading inaccurate information, this is complete nonsense again…

Are you trying to say here you could fly a real aircraft blindfolded or what are you trying to say with this comparison? I don’t know if you ever read the statistics of non-instrument rated pilots flying into IMC? The survival rate is not all that high (even without blindfold :wink:). Sure flying a real aircraft is a little easier as you can feel some movements but you can’t fly an aircraft fully relying on your senses.

You state that multi milion dollar FFS are EXTREMELY inaccurate how did you come to this conclusion? They are certified training devices by FAA / EASA and the input / output graphs are constantly compared to the real aircrafts performance and reactions. Yes some of them are better simulators than others but they are 1000% better compared to anything available for home use, of course this isn’t a fair comparison, we are talking about multi milion dollar machines here.

“You always see them tilting on tv to simulate a turn but a good proper coordinate turn has no lateral forces, only a slight g increase in your seat!”

This is complete, complete nonsense, full flight simulators do NOT tilt to simulate attitude changes, the tilting is to simulate accelerations. In a coordinated level turn the sim simulates only the roll accelerations.

“And take off thrust is simulated by tilt the sim backwards as though you are climbing…”

True, because you are unable to sense the difference between linear acceleration or deceleration and tilting forwards or backwards this is how a FFS fools your senses and simulates acceleration and deceleration, and it feels pretty much like the real aircraft, at least to me.

I have been an operator for multiple full flight simulators and been involved with monitoring their performances and audits. Don’t spread disinformation regarding topics you don’t know anything about. I think Microsoft could have done a better job choosing their “Tech Alpha” people…


Hello everyone,

Thank you for your feedback! It’s important for us to have different point of view of MSFS!

I’ll make sure to share this topic internally :slight_smile: !


That’s why it’s important to have a knowledgeable person talk about such topics, like you or you know, like, uhm …pilots. cough cough But the guy you reply to can’t even interpret the data he himself searched and claims there’s no need for RW pilots to judge the flight model. Highly embarassing.


Mission accomplished!

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15 years of flying.
It depends a lot of what type of controller hardware you are using. One with a plastic joystick for $50, or Brunner hardware for $3000. I have the last, but due to SImconnect not working correctly, I can only test my hardware as a USB plugin, so no feedback or correct Brunner yoke and rudder behavior. But even without it I can see that physics in this sim are not so good. Aircraft feel very light with no inertia, most of the SEP dynamics are incorrect (stalls, spins). Rudder on higher speeds on ground waaaay to sensitive. Aileron is super sensitive too. Pitch trim is much more sensitive than it should be. I haven’t seen ground effect here either. SEP throttle somewhat close. Jet engines not even close. I would say, they are the furthest from how jet engine works in any other sims.

It does require rudder input to keep coordinated, but how much depends on the airplane I suppose. I used to fly a Beech Sundowner that required quite a bit of right rudder in a left climbing turn.

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For me the ga aircraft are good. The float is a little excessive but I would say the characteristics are good. Its interesting during the q and a that they plan to add performance tweak ability to get your ac the way you want it to perform. Such as reduced power due to engine age etc. I can’t comment on the jets or turboprops.

Low time PPL here. I fly C152, C172 and PA-18 supercub. As far as the C152 and C172 go i am pleased. sure you can never simulate the actual feel of the aircraft and even in that regard one c172 can feel differently then another as mentioned in an above post.
My one dislike about the sim atm tho is the Tailwheel aircraft. They dont feel like tailwheel aircraft. they jsut taxi straight no rudder input needed. Its also really hard to bounce a landing in the sim… in real life its really hard not to bounce even if its just a little. And i have tried but i havent managed to get the aircraft to groundloop in the game.

just my two cents in the bucket.


Well seems like it has worked, they are awfully quiet now :joy:

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Haha, I’d love to give feedback, but it’ll have to wait…I’m an 8000 hour helicopter pilot, so until we get an R22, As355, Gazelle, Lynx, AH64, EC135 my thoughts are irrelevant; :wink:
Don’t think my 45 hours in the Chipmunk many years ago count for much!

Loving the sim so far, but still using fsx for IMC.

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Real World 787 Pilot here. Some quick feedback.
FMC could get a bit of a re do. When putting a Waypoint in the scratchpad and then lineselecting it on 1L it should be the next active waypoint upon executing. Tried several times and that didn’t work. That also goes for other Boeing Aircraft. It would be also nice to see the Electric Synoptics page.
Tried the Autopilot in the 747 today and it really did some crazy stuff. In climb for the last 1000ft it increased pitch rapidly to achieve a V/S of about 6500ft. It also couldn’t keep Altitude then but instead went into a descent to built up speed again.

One more addition: When contacting tower upon reaching the departure runway, we don’t say “ready for take-off” but ready for departure. “take off” is only read back once you are cleared for take off.


That’s good to know I’m a 757/767 guy and I assumed it was the sim no acting properly and not my lack of experience in the 787.

Welcome to the forums BTW.

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I will try again in different scenarios just to be sure I am not talking nonsense here. The 787 is a piece of cake to fly btw :slight_smile:
And thanks for the welcome!

I can’t wait to fly it, unfortunately due to the current situation my airline parked my beloved 75/76 fleet. I’m too junior for the 787 s in Nov It’s off to A320 school. I’m hoping to use this sim to keep my head in the game.

It would be more polite not to generalize all those hard working people contributing in a positive and respectful manner… (not based on one individual)
Main testing purpose was performance of software and hardware environment of this sim, due to that process many things have been reported… I leave at this since I’m still under NDA…

I read several replies from you and all of those makes sense and thank you for contributing.

Why make those sense (just ppl here), but my oldest son (ATPL) and three type ratings 747/737PG/NG/E175/195, we discuss sometimes the behaviors in the sim compared to the real world…
Level-D sims are good (great for MCC) but still different compared to real life.
The controls at a home desktop (different peripherals) not even close to the real deal…
He even won’t touch a desktop simulator to learn bad habits lol :wink:
Hence they used flight deck posters for muscle memory :wink:

I always take the discussion regarding FDE with a grain of salt, I personally think it’s great if you have study level aircraft to use it as procedural trainer, or for VFR training in unfamiliar places…

In the end of the day, we are all sitting more or less in an arm chair in 2d space looking at a monitor.
It’s more important for me personal that when you get the sensation (with correct aircraft performance numbers) of flying through air…
That in itself is an art and only a very few have mastered that feeling on a desktop (not necessary exactly like the real world ;-))

I think this simulator is a step in the correct direction and of course still some work to do.
The airliners have a whole lot more work ahead including the autopilot stuff…

Just my 2 cents…


Follow Up to my recent post:

1.FLCH mode doesn’t work properly. When FLCH is selected speed is achieved by the pitch of the aircraft. The aircraft will go into a descent or climb until selected speed is achieved and then it climbs or descends with that speed.
2.When selecting ALT intervent the aircraft climbs or descends when in VNAV. The Sim seems to be confused about that sometimes.
3. Had a bug: the ATHR didn’t work properly anymore (especially after fast travel everything is messed up). Couldn’t recycle it either.
4. We need the Approach page in the FMC. Would be good to select a VREF and Flap Setting.
5. When selecting a VREF you get a 3° reference on the HUD. Align the 3°reference line with the PAPIS and you are sure to touch down on the spot.
6. The Speeds seem to be quite off. I was flying without Payload and roughly 50% fuel in the wing tanks and I had an UP speed far above 220kts. Also the VREF was at about 175kts when landing with 10t. I am not flying the -10, but the -9, however those speeds seem to be roughly 20kts off.


Controls are way too responsive/sensitive at low airspeeds.


" That is indeed how FLCH works, it climbs / descents with the selected airspeed, I don’t know what aircraft we are talking about but that sounds about right. Generally when selecting FLCH with a selected altitude…"
To the other user:
Thanks, I would assume I know the functions of FLCH since I fly with it on a constant basis on the 787 (I prefer this mode sometimes over VNAV)

On the HUD you bring the FPV in Alignment with the F/D Guidance Cue. The 3° reference line shows you exactly what the name already says. If you align it with the PAPI and (on this you are right) bring the FPV over the 3° reference line you will be perfectly fine 50ft over the threshold. From there at about 30ft RA you gently pull the yoke back bringing the FPV just below the horizontal. On spot was indeed a bit confusing. Let me rephrase: your approach will be on spot. Assuming you keep speed and don’t float the aircraft, you will land in the touchdown zone.


lol, the so called expert in flight models, who can’t even reconcile the difference between knots and mph.

armchair aviation at it’s best.

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Thanks for that! I do feel that the airliners do not handle well flying them manually. The 747 has a big problem with porpoising with the auto pilot engaged. Landing the A320 manually is a difficult task for me. It seems so unresponsive to the yoke. I’m better off keeping it on auto pilot till I hit the runway