Really want to use the FBW mod

I tried the FBW mod about 4 times now. I have watched numerous tutorial vids and read the forums.

Every time I place the mod in my community folder, i try it out, and then remove it and go back to the default A320.

I just can’t get the flight plan/MCDU to work it seems. I watched the tutorial linked below. There’s a lot of people commenting they do not have an INIT request prompt on the MCDU. This is my issue as well… up to this point anyway… I haven’t made it any further.

Can anyone tell me what I’m missing? I followed the tutorial to a T but this is holding me up.

FBW A32NX | How to Import a Simbrief Flight Plan into the flybywire A32NX [UPDATED] MSFS 2020 - YouTube

Ok, I got past that… but now the GPS primary lost message will not go away.

Have you turned the three ADIRS knobs on the top left of the top console to NAV? Depending on the settings in the MCDU, it can take up to 7 minutes to align.

It’ll tell you how long you have left to wait in the MFD alongside the other ECAM messages.

For reference, it’s good to use a good checklist. I use this.

For the tutorials, the best I know are on this channel.

Incidentally, I would advise, instead of loading the flight plan in the MCDU via Simbrief, to enter it manually. It takes a little longer to learn, and it’s a good skill to have when you’ll be faced with aircraft that don’t have simbrief uplink.