Recently Upgraded Hardware - Issue

Hi All,

I’ve never really been able to get VR working that well on my old setup so I have decided to upgrade in a few areas but I’m still suffering from the same performance issues so I wonder if something else is fundamentally wrong with my setup (perhaps windows 11?)

Where should I start in trying to improve my performance?

Old Setup:
Ryzen 2600x
RTX 2060
16GB 2666mhz RAM
Rift S
Windows 11

New Setup:
Old Setup:
Ryzen 5600x
RTX 2060
32GB 3200mhz RAM
Rift S
Windows 11

According to Linus Tech Tips (Hardware Youtuber) there is no significant advantage in performance with any game in Windows11. So why upgrade it, when it is still 5 years supported from MS.
I do think, Games which take advantage of W11 are not even programmed yet.
Maybe MSFS with Direct X12 does

Read this week somewhere that CPU speed does almost nothing to MSFS.
Had a 2060 myself and changed it to a 3060 and changed it to a 3060TI.
That is the minimum for me to get it running in VR with virtual desktop at 30/35 fps. Mostly on Ultra settings. VD on medium.
Resolution is now 2700/2800.
I have an intel I8700.
So I think you better uograde youre videocard.
Curious what DX12 might do.
Game is very depending on GPU.
Hope this info helps.

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Open the Oculus debugger tool. There are some more settings that did wonder on my side. I used have very tearing display. Not it’s sharp and the simulation seems to be sooth. I try to post more details later when I’m on my flight sim computer.
Make sure the second menu the oculus debugger is turned off. Something like like “Force Mipmap bla bla bla”.

Found it: Look at this video extremely helpful. Saved my life and improved my VR experience a lot!!!:

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