Recommend the best companion apps to use alongside MSFS2020

What do folks recommend for a moving map app for iPad?

LOL Thats just cheatingā€¦lol

I think the only apps from the Apps for flight tracking, route planning, and charts section that run on iOS are FltPlan Go, Navigraph, and ForeFlight.

FltPlan Go is completly free but only supports stuff in North America.
Navigraph is the go to paid service for simming.
ForeFlight is a lot more expensive as itā€™s more geared toward flying IRL.


Good news everyone! The mods finally reached back out to me and gave me permission to post in the #guides section! I know a lot of people wanted this to be pinned and I think being able to post in the #guides section is the best solution as pinning should be reserved for community announcements, dev updates, etc.

Iā€™ve moved all the content to a thread in the #guides:new-pilot-help-guides section. Here is the new home for the expansive list weā€™ve compiled together as a community! :slight_smile: :tada:


Hi what program is that?

FltPlan Go!

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I found this great free open-source add-on that offers a simple moving map app thatā€™s viewable in any browser on your network.

Editā€¦ I see others have already posted about this. Anyway, I love it. Simple. Lightweight. Free.

Can you share how to mod VFRmap to use a Google Maps?

I wonder why: is not on the list?
I use it all the time to see the weather AND plan my VFR flights, it has some nice features for flightplanning.


I have used it for months just to check the weather nothing to do with flight sims. Then about 2 weeks ago I noticed the aircraft icon for the first time. Since then I open it before the sim to to check the weather and to decide where to fly to next. I am using the Cessna to fly around Europe and it is very useful. I only want short flights of about half to an hour and with it I can see the weather, the lay out of the airport and use the measuring distance tool before I decide where to go next. I never knew all that was on it until recently. One other point is that I find the weather accuracy which is being criticised ca lot, to be reasonably accurate when comparing the weather with the sim. The destination airport is sometimes different when I get there but I find that it also changes in the weather app. which I leave on, on a second screen

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Thanks everybody! I added and VFRmap to the compilation.

I never considered using Windy for planning a flight around weather in-game. But I guess Iā€™ve been mostly flying turbo props or airliners so wind isnā€™t a limiting factor in those cases. :sweat_smile:

Nice move. Btw. windy is much more than wind. Has nifty flight planning vfr/ifr.

Oh how do you get to the flight planning section? I donā€™t see it just browsing around.

I have been loving OnAir so far and I am about three weeks in. Eternal tinkering to get those margins up and with Vatsim itā€™s brilliant. I think when VR comes out I will start talking to my wife like a cargo pilot.

When you start it there are some icons bottom right one of them is an aircraft. Click on this and the map will show all the airfields as small circles. Select one of them and you will see a load of stuff all the way down on the left hand side. At the top of that there is a menu which gives
1 runways which then displays a google earth window displaying the airfield which you can zoom in on.
2 Metar showing the past, current and forecast weather also which flight rules IFR VFR etc are in are in place. These are colour coded and the circles that I mentioned are in the same colour as the active flight rules at the time.
3 Webcams Obviously local webcam views.
4 Notams Notice to rules and situations in place
The amount of this info. that you get obviously depends on the type and size of the airfield.
At the very top there are the three lines marked Menu this give you more things some of which I donā€™t understand. The one I find useful though is the distance measuring tool which gives you the distance between points on the map.
I think you might find even more useful info by playing around with it but I hope this gives a start.

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Top left click the 3 lines ā†’ ā€œDistance and planningā€
Here a quick vfr plan in windy. It can be exported in GPX and KML format.

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Iā€™m sure it would be of interest to some others here, and I assume it would fall under one of the categories, but I recently started using, VoiceAttack and find it quite interesting in MSFS2020. Beats the heck out of having to memorize all the keyboard mapping.

Itā€™s cheap ($10) if you purchase a license, and has a 21 day trial version as well.

Iā€™ve set mine up to use the Red Button (4) on my Honeycomb Alpha Yoke as a Push-to-Talk (or rather, a push to trigger listening). As well as sound input and output through my headset.


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Yes, but no FPL. GPX or KML canā€™t be loaded into MSFS, right?

Navigraph and Foreflight both do this as well.

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Indeed! Both require hefty fees to access though :cry: The only free app Iā€™ve found that does georeferenced charts is FltPlan Go. NA coverage only though.

In my current setup, I use SimToolkitPro for flight tracking, with SimBrief for flight planning, and ChartFox for worldwide charts. Sure the charts from ChartFox arenā€™t georeferenced like in Navigraph, but I think Iā€™ll survive without needing to pay the monthly fee. :ok_hand: