Recommend the best companion apps to use alongside MSFS2020

I hope no one connects to VATSIM to fly anything other than VFR in this sims current state with its mission, incomplete, and incorrect avionics modeling. I can just imagine:

ATC: “I cleared you direct to BLINZ, why are you turning back towards TIKL?”

Pilot: “Because I am flying MSFS2020 and it inserts a USER waypoint and won’t let me fly direct to BLINZ.”


Thanks for the help, looks like we are in for a few days of rain so this will make a good rainy day project.

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With Fsuipc7 MSFS connects to my old FScommander. Another moving map, showing track and altitude, total distance to desination and let me do IFR procedures with latest installed airac by commanding MSFS’ autopilot HDG.

Hoping for a soon update to get Aivlasoft’s EFB compatible!

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I know this is a companion app thread, but I would it be possible to add Flight Plan websites? Such as SimBrief, which is super handy since it is intergrated into several apps, such as SimToolKitPro, as well as Self-Loading Cargo. But of course there are other sites too.

I’ve been using Little Navmap since launch and it’s been GREAT. However it does have a couple of bugs such as the sometimes the map will go all blurry and despite zooming in and out a notch it doesn’t fix itself. The final issue I had was my maps went black on certain parts of the map. 99% of the time the program was fine.

Yeah, I was wondering if I should be including these kinds of websites in this thread. It originally started as a thread for finding good SimConnect apps.

If I did add a “Flight Planning Websites” section, I think other good options right off the bat would be SkyVector and the FlightAware IFR Route Analyzer. Both of which are completely free in the US.

Loved to hear others thoughts on this.

I was using VFRMap with success… until Windows Defender quarantined (Deleted) the executable and said it had a Trojan Malware in it. This appears to be a known issue and the developer is working on it.
Still… put the fear in me for a moment, I just spent a ton of money building this system specifically for the MSFS2020 release, and the last thing I want to do is format it and start over.


Opentrack on Github

Tracking input

  • PointTracker by Patrick Ruoff, freetrack-like light sources
  • Oculus Rift DK1, DK2, CV, and legacy/knockoff versions (Windows only)
  • Paper [marker support] via the ArUco library
  • Razer Hydra
  • Relaying via UDP from a different computer
  • Relaying UDP via FreePIE-specific Android app
  • Joystick analog axes (Windows)
  • Windows Phone over opentrack UDP protocol
  • Arduino with custom firmware
  • Intel RealSense 3D cameras (Windows)
  • BBC micro:bit, LEGO, sensortag support via Smalltalk[(1)]
  • Wiimote (Windows)

Output protocols

  • SimConnect for newer Microsoft Flight Simulator (Windows)
  • freetrack implementation (Windows)
  • Relaying UDP to another computer
  • Virtual joystick output (Windows, Linux, OSX)
  • Wine freetrack glue protocol (Linux, OSX)
  • X-Plane plugin (Linux)
  • Tablet-like mouse output (Windows)
  • FlightGear
  • FSUIPC for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002/2004 (Windows)
  • SteamVR through a bridge

Is Navigraph Worth the Money?

IMO, yes, even without the FMS data yet (although already announced and in beta)

flying without the proper procedures SID STAR APR etc… is just sort of playing around IMO. Which is ok, but really getting down to the details is also fun.

Once Navigraph implements the FMS Data for MS FS, then the Navigraph Jeppesen charts will replace the information in MS and Navigraph will always be in sync with MS so that your approach and arrivals etc… will be perfect.

On top of this, moving maps and everything else Navigraph offers is awesome.

If you want to know more I started some tutorials on Navigraph here:


I actually ended up subscribing to Navigraph over the weekend. As it costs a monthly subscription I’ve been analyzing its worth with a very harsh eye.

So far I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t need the default $10/month subscription (Navigraph ultimate), which comes with the Charts program and the FMS data. While the Charts app itself is nicely developed, the monthly fee is too high when free alternatives exist (e.g. SimToolkitPro, LIttle NavMap, and FltPlan Go). Also ChartFox can be used for a majority of the worldwide charts.

It is really nice to have the up-to-date AIRAC though! I used their FMS Data Manager program to update SimToolkitPro, Little NavMap, and SimBrief. Now I can just use SimBrief to create the most sensible route, export to FS2020, and then use SimToolkitPro for live flight tracking!

If I do give Navigraph anymore money it might be for their yearly FMS data subscription ($30/year), but maybe I’ll be fine with the 2009 AIRAC for awhile, not sure. That is to be determined.

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The only problem with your solution (not knocking it btw) is when your SID STAR’s don’t match whats in MS. Once they sync with FS via FMS manager, your solution will work very nicely though.

I wonder if/when MS will use their partnership with NavBlue to update the in-game nav data.

Agreed! I can’t wait to seemingly transfer my flight plans from Navigraph to MSFS.

Honestly, it’s a big let down. Release version of MSFS was already outdated, and we’re now in cycle 2010. I’m glad I renewed my Navigraph subscription.

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Thanks for compiling this!! This post should be stickied :smiley:


Yes I agree this post should be stickied.

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Fantastic stuff. Thank u. I’m a huge aviation watcher and enthusiast but this will be my first entry into flight sims. Very helpful for someone like myself.

Great to hear! This game is also my very first step into the world of aviation, so I made this thread to be able to see all the options in one place. I hadn’t found something this organized in my search prior to making this. :sweat_smile:

As someone of you have suggested getting this stickied, I’ve made a bid to the mods to allow me to make a thread in the Guide section of this forum. That way it’ll be more visible to everyone on the forum! :slight_smile:


Simionic G1000 (payware)
