Recommendations for a new PC

Dear all,

Perhaps not the first time someone asking for this, but I also think everyone has their own needs so please bear with me if it seems like a repeat post.

Would like to build a new PC for MSFS. I’d like to keep the cost down as much as possible, especially after reading high end GPUs being under utilised due to the game being CPU bound, please correct me if this is wrong.

4K gameplay
Graphics settings at or close to max
No lower than 30fps, I think high fps does not matter that much for a slow moving game such as MSFS but again, correct me if I am wrong.

The PC will mainly be used for MSFS for the 90% of the time, does not need to be optimised for anything else.

On this basis, what would be your recommendation for CPU, GPU and motherboard ?

Many thanks,


What is your budget?

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Single monitor or triple setup?

Any interest in VR?

4k 30fps on ultra: a 2080ti should suffice. I managed to do that with a 1080ti.

Would be nice if I can stay below £1000 ($1250).

Single 4K monitor, no intention to add more.
VR, sigh … no.

Hmm, which CPU were you using ?

i7 8700k, but it was (still is, actually) struggling.