Recommended books relevant to flight simulation

Searched for a thread like this, but could not find it. Can anyone recomend any good books to help improve flying knowledge? Especially books that are for flight simulation. I read the book “Microsoft flight simulator x for pilots real world training.” It was a really cool book to read as someone new to flight simulation at the time, but what about other books?

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FAA Airplane Flying Handbook:

Airplane Flying Handbook

The best part is the price.


Hi there, There is a book out there that is entitled Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. I just ordered for it.

Anything and everything ever written by Maestro Rod Machado.

Rod Machado’s books seriously recommended.
For tue understanding how aircraft flies also: Stick and Rudder by Wolfgang Langewiesche.


try this - it was written for an earlier iteration of MS flight sim - but it still applies

MS FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2002 GROUND SCHOOL : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

there are other available articles listed in the description of this video and mentioned within the video itself
(1) Flight Simulator 2020 5 FREE Awesome Companions and Add Ons featuring the return of Meigs Field! - YouTube

I think that’s the one that is available free from the FAA

Aeronautical Information Manual
Instrument Procedures Handbook
Instrument Flying Handbook
All free through Handbooks & Manuals ( Those should keep you busy for a year or so. Read up and we’ll see you back here next year.

I’ve got the Private pilot’s licence course text books ppl1 flying training and ppl3 Navigation Meteorology Jeremy M Pratt just under £16:00 on Amazon, as I am hoping to get my ppl come spring summer if this pandemic allows.

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