If anyone were to ask you what product from the Marketplace you wouldn’t want to live without, what would it be? Here’s your chance to plug your favorites. For me, it’s two airports that I like to visit on a halfway regular basis. The first one is KCDK/Cedar Key. It’s the shortest paved runway in Florida, and landing there without burning up your brakes is a challenge. The second one is a bundled pair - TNCM and TFFG. TNCM is the one with the world-famous Maho Beach where planes land just feet over the heads of beach-goers and where the less intelligent like to hang on the fence when the big ones spool up for takeoff. The scenery features lots of people hanging out on the beach, and a nicely rendered Sunset Bar on the south end of the beach with very nice lighting at night. From there, it’s just a short hop to one of the most famous approaches at TFFJ, which is a default “Hand-Crafted” airport, and quite nice in its own right.
So what’s your go-to Marketplace addon?
Edit to add: I’m aware of the pro’s and con’s of using the Marketplace to get addons. For me, the ability to get everything in one place and on one account outweighs the possible delays involved with the MS/Asobo vetting process.
For me, the best mod (paid or freeware) is ‘We love VFR’. Right now it covers Europe and north Africa, and they’re working on the americas.
It adds all the construction cranes, chimneys, radio towers etc etc accurately. Even if you’re not a VFR pilot it adds so much to the world (nice to see factory chimneys on approach as well).
For me, it’s Dreamflight Studios’ KTEB Teterboro Airport. The reason I love it is because of the sheer volume of aircraft they put on the apron. I’ve paid for a lot of airports, but even with renovated buildings, the airports often seem dead without tons of aircraft everywhere. This one is different for me.
I also love that they modeled a shopping area in the northwest corner of the airport, so if you were taxiing on the ramp over there, you would see stores and restaurants instead of autogen buildings.