Recommended Specs/Ideal Specs and FPS Rates

This will be the 10 millionth rant post. I’m sorry.

I want to transition to MSFS2024. To all intents and purposes, I have. But:

Is the only way to achieve acceptable framerates to have a RTX 40xx card? What are the content creators on?

I’m on a 3070ti Master (this is an 8gb OC card) , I7 14700, and 32 GB of Ram. This conforms to at least the ‘recommended requirements’, though the gpu is short of the ideal requirements that are published for the game.

30 FPS was the best i could get. In order to get any higher, I had to become literate in swapping DLSS files, be dependent on posts like this: FS2024 Graphics Settings and Performance Guide (11/20/2024) in order to improve my experience.

Surely, by including a career mode, Asobo figured out some of the audience of the sim were gamers, and some were hard-core enthusiasts. Which proportion of that user base is comfortable delving into the guts of DLL’s, Graphics Settings etc just to get to passable framerates?

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Actually there may be no need for 4x generation, check this video IslandSimPilot here and decide. At the same time, an 8GB card is just the minimum - I use 4060 8GB (in 4k) and to fly airliners from/to big airports I can do it only with low texture settings and DLSS Performance. If i fly small GA planes from remote locations I can use med - high settings and DLAA.

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What display resolution are you using?

I had a 3070 ti, and it was fantastic for 1080 and 1440, but it really struggled with 4K.

If you’re using 1440p or below, that GPU should do fine in MSFS 2020. Unfortunately I had upgraded mine to a 40 series card before I switched over to the new sim, so I can’t say how a 3070 ti would do in MFS 24.

If you’re using 1440p or below and have tweaked the LOD setting to ensure the CPU isn’t being completely swamped, then I would check in Dev mode how much of your VRAM is being used. A lot of comments seem to suggest that 8GB isn’t really enough for 2024.

It may be worth asking the forum if there are any steps you can take to alleviate the pressure on the GPU’s VRAM - I don’t know if a larger pagefile, more / faster CPU RAM or a bigger cache would help, but it could be worth trying.

Thanks - I’ll look around. It may be the 8g. The sim is flawless in fs2020. It’s 2024 that’s a pain

FWIW, a lot of comments I see suggest that only the folks with 16 GB or more VRAM are having fun all the time, or at least most of the time. Probably due to the VRAM bug, it would appear that users with less than 16GB VRAM are having less reliable fun in 24, all other things being equal, which they certainly are not when it comes to PC set-ups

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