Red Bull Bullseye Landing Challenge

My response was to a comment made that these guys are a shining star of safety and responsibility in aviation. They aren’t. If that were the case they wouldn’t have got in massive hot water with the FAA. What they did was on the intellectual level of an 8 year old. It’s a fun idea for a video game. But i struggle with accepting these ideas are drawn up by adults and thought to be productive in some way.


I disagree. They should have done in a hidden place, and making sure that absolutely no one else than themselves could be injured/killed. And have enough planes…
I like to think that if the FAA as it is now, would have been in place in 1903, say, well would we be flying now? They would have banned the daredevils.
The barnstorming of the 1920s/30s. It is this spirit that pushes boundaries, with a price to pay, yes.
I don’t think it was on the intellectual level of an 8 year old, because they know full well it can go badly wrong.
I think we have to agree to disagree.

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Does anyone know what the Nitro is called to bind a key to it ??

No luck with keybind but I love the smoke effect. Have you noticed any power gain when using the nitro?

I mean u missed the point 3 times now so yeah you’re probably right.

War Emergency Power

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Thank you, I was looking under nitro but didn’t find a thing lol

Not really. I don’t like too much regulations. That is my point.

This is a little off topic from the immediate chat thread, but this bird is also available in the MSFS hangar for just “normal” flying. Accordingly, in familiarizing myself with the avionics I noticed that there are 2 non-functioning circuit breakers marked “AP”. I can’t find the autopilot, though. Is it also non-functioning?

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This version does not have an autopilot.

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I finally made it! 354 IN, but I see it as accomplished


I managed 86 IN. Great challenge and gives even more respect to the Polish pilot who made this extreme landing.

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I made it in 4", but I was getting impatient fine tuning the slew mode and called it good enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

CTD after a cpuple tries, crashed at least 10x now

Could be a mod or scenery add on. Check with empty community folder.
You could also remove the challange from content manager, restart msfs. Then re install, restart msfs .

Reinstall? Again? No chance!
What mod? I have none

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I don’t understand how re install became the go to solution to fix every problem. This is a server issue, I’m beyond convinced now 90% of the trouble with this game is server related.

There are many other things you can do to reduce or eliminate CTDs.

Just the Red Bull challenge.