Red Bull Bullseye Landing Challenge

Surprise free DLC from Microsoft today.

(Recommend removing Orbx Dubai Landmarks before attempting.)


Works fine. No issues with heli pad not being solid, it is.

Remove your mods!

Flaps lever is not animated however.
edit- now fixed.


Yes, as stated in original post, remove Orbx Dubai Landmarks.

So that’s what today’s small update was about…
Very nice!!!

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It’s available for download in the Marketplace, which I found odd for a Microsoft landing challenge.

I’m guessing this is why we don’t see the weekly landing challenges anymore. Possibly the sim has become too bloated and these challenges will now be packages outside the sim for download.

Nah, this is just a standalone challenge whereas others were parts of various world updates.


Makes sense!

I’m a little astonished they even went ahead with this as an official challenge, while it is cool… do we really need to encourage flying planes onto/into buildings? That was my other thought on maybe why it’s not part of the core sim itself.

It’s a helipad atop a building. It’s meant to have aircraft landing on it.

That’s definitely not why. It’s just an optional add-on. You can also do the landing challenge manually in the sim just fine without the update. I did it a few months ago:


It’s a helipad for Rotorcraft to land on. :man_facepalming:t2:

…or a vtol aircraft, or even an extreme stol aircraft. I mean why not? I think it’s weird to even make a terrorist connection with this.


I’m not. Agaaaaaaain I was simply wondering why this was a separate package instead of a landing challenge we’ve seen in the past. Thought MSFS might want a little distance from this challenge as it’s a No-No in aviation to be that close to buildings. :man_facepalming:t2:

Redbull seems to be super legit in safety and permits and all the requirements to pull off these stunts. Still, many in the aviation industry hold the opinion they are reckless.

The FAA revoked two of their pilots certs and also fined them for the plane swap stunt that ended in a crash. Almost as irresponsible as what Trevor Jacob did.

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It’s a game, people can do what they want…I’m the mix between the Casual and the Vatsim loving crack,induced lover who only flies airliners on vatsim (and VFR) I loved this challenge and I also can do fun Canyons runs


Try switching on smoke on the custom Carbon Cub, very nice effect. Thanks for this fun challenge Asobo!


This landing has been done in real life:

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And a great job they did, my good friend Mike Patey helped with the modifications of the airplane. The entire team delivered an amazing performance. And great work by Microsoft / Asobo recreating it


Unsure what your point is. Has nothing to do with anything i mentioned.

Trevor Jakob was stupid.
But I like the idea of the plane swap stunt. Like I like any ideas that may appear impossible.
I mean we can and should push the limit.
To me the true laws are the laws of Nature. Regulations well not so much.

Really fun challenge. I was shocked to get it on the second try.

The weather and time settings for Dubai are quite nice too.


Having fun with this but my 9 year old is much better than I am!

I have found the binding for the Nitro power switch (= ‘War Emergency Power’) but the ‘Toggle Smoke’ binding doesn’t seem to work. Has anyone else had any success binding the smoke to a controller button(s) please?


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