Reddish Terrain/Ground Texutres

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Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons? If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

Yes, everthing which would explain such bugs

Brief description of the issue:

Hey, i recently noticed that I have in some Areas reddish terrain/ground textures. Its appearing mostly in Germany, ive seen the bug in Eindhoven on Youtube as well. Does anybode have a clue whats going on? It has nothing to do with Rex Accuseason. I already deinstalled it…
Thank you guys!

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

ICAO or coordinates (DevMode > Debug > Display position)

Unknown, pretty big areao arround Germany

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Last 3 Weeks or so

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Could you provide the coordinate of the locations shown on your screenshots ?, If you activate the Dev mode, there is an option to show that information. What is the ICAO code of the airport on your last screenshot ?. All those information are essential to allow community and devs try to reproduce the issue.

The first Picture is at simWings EDDM, the second should be somewhere between EDPC EDJG and the German Austrian Border. The 3rd Picture is EDDF with the new ORBX freeware scenery.

I wonder if they are using their own Ground textures as its 3rd party

Thank you for the additional information. Topic moved to User Support Hub Scenery & Airports since the Bug Reporting Hub category is only to report issues without any 3rd party addons installed. So the advice is to uninstall your simWings and ORBX mods and test again at same locations.

SimWings most likely, as you can see theres no Reddish Terrain at the Airport. However the freeware, I dont suppose so as there is a red runway

Not sure it’s related or ‘the thing’ but the latest imagery in Google Earth has a lot of this.

The 2nd picture is typical of different tiles of Bing maps.
The 1st looks like cloud shadow baked in the tile.

There is a big problem with the tiles of the Bing maps…

I did notice the other day that default Asobo EDDF had VERY reddish runways. Surrounds appear to have some other reddish areas.

I wonder perhaps those ground image photos were taken in the fall?

Hi @ChiffonTooth8,
I’m not seeing this for the airport on my PC:

I am seeing something similar in your 3rd screenshot. Mine looks like this:

But the difference between the “green” and “brown/red” areas - clearly visible by the straight-line separations - is caused by different trees (or tree variants) being rendered:

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EDDF, no reddish effect. Make sure you have your community folder empty, even better start the sime in safe mode to make sure all your marketplace addons are disabled.

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OK, did some testing and it appears that REX Accuseason Advanced Edition is responsible for the reddish brown textures around Frankfurt.

Edit: It turns out there was a newer version of REX Accuseason which has solved this.


That might be possible in some areas, shown as new-old borders on the tiles. I do most of my flying in Mojave Des or Owens Valley, pretty fall foliage hard to find. :slight_smile:

Hey, whats ur latest build? Mines 7.1.2024.0614
It says its up to date, however my rnwy and terrain is still red

Edit: I reinstalled everything and clicked on alle the remove terrain buttons provided in REX. This solved it for me!

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I’ve been having exactly this problem, this time around EGSS Stansted. I have uninstalled Rex Accuseason Advanced and thats made no change, so reinstalled that. I’ve also deleted my NVidia shaders Cache (its made the sim smoother, but not changed this terrain) So I’m kinda out of ideas. I’ve made sure I’ve not got two different scenery packages for the same area. Does anyone else have this around EGSS?

Today on a whim I just loaded up MSFS in safe mode, and look!! no reddish tint to the terrain! So it’s something in my community folder, I have no idea what though.