Regularly spaced pause every 1/2 second

Hi all:
I see a lot of posts for this but still havent been able to resolve it. I’ve tried lowering the LOD, various v-sync levels, cleared rolling cache, lowered video scenery settings, set to no traffic, but I still get this pausing even with my i9-13900K processor, 32GB DDR5-5600 RAM, and a RTX4090 video card. Anything else I should look at? I dont have a ton of things in my community folder either…

Do you have FSUIPC running by chance?

I do- You think its reporting position to my ACARS and thats what it is?

Update to the latest version which was compiled against the latest SDK. Once done, go to where it is installed and open up the FSUIPC.ini file.

At the end add


Save and test.

This was identified as an issue during SU11 I believe it was, the message is spamming non stop. Adding NumberOfPumps=0 stops it and the stuttering goes away (if this is the cause).

Also they updated it for the latest SDK available.

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Empty your terrain cache and nvidia directX / OpenGL cache folder (safe mode).

I had the exact same issue as the OP - only on one flight mind - but it was so annoying I just deleted FSUIPC (don’t really need it anyway). Problem solved.

Thanks for the tips all! I’ll check some of this out and see if it clears up!

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Hi all!
I closed FSUIPC and watched the stutters drop immediately. I also found this video that explains a possible fix, especially with the Fenix-

Yea, that’s the fix I gave you the other day :slight_smile:

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oops! sure was! should have check the last few posts! :grinning:

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