Reinstallation issue - decompressing - Stuck - DVD version

Hi everyone, after having troubles launching the game, experiencing crashes, I ended up uninstalling it. And now, facing issues reinstalling it.

After loading the 10CDs, an update that I was expecting came on, about 128GB. Managed to download about 8GB; then the installer started decompressing the first part of the update and got stuck.

Got stuck decompressing LFPG airport at first. Followed some posts I saw down here, saying I should delete the folder which was creating the issue in the OneStore folder. Did it, didn’t change anything. Followed another solution which consisted in changing the path of the update. Didn’t change anything neither… Still getting stuck decompressing, but on a different file now.

Any suggestion? I thank you.

Hi @leptiotgerard,
If you have an antivirus active, try disabling it for the install of MSFS.

I’ve only had this decompressing issue once - when MSFS first came out. I did what you did by ending task, delete the file, relaunch and it picked back up.

Also, I’ve done this as well… the file that is decompressing can actually be opened in 7zip or WinRar and you can manually extract it.

And I do agree that more design should go into how MSFS downloads / extracts. There are several wishlist topics on this:

Decompressing Wishes:
Search results for ‘decompressing category:163’ - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Installer Wishes:
Search results for ‘installer category:163’ - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Reinstalling from DVD: You shouldn’t have to use the DVD’s for reinstalling (someone can correct me here! @Neo4316 :slight_smile: ). If you are logged into the MS Store with the same account as MSFS/Xbox, it should show up in the MS Store for download. and

Hi and thanks for your answer. No changes with the antivirus disabled and, when I get to One Store and the folder from which the issue comes from, there is no zip, just .json and .bgl files. I cannot decompress it manually.