Reinstalled MSFS and here's what I got

I had to reinstall MSFS after I inadvertently uninstalled it. Long story, but here goes. Well, MSFS reinstalled last night as well as all the updates. However, I directed it to an empty M2 SSD (where it was originally), and although the drive shows the proper number of GB from the sim, it presence there is nowhere in sight. It is not there! No MSFS, no Community folder, no anything…except the GBs are there from the installation. It seems to run from my Users/name/appdata/local/packages/Microsoft Flight Simulator 8wekg and the community folder is under that at…/local cache/packages/community.

I added a plane to the community folder there and it does not show up in the sim. It must not be the actual working Community folder that I’m used to when I first installed the sim over a year ago. I can’t even find the REAL community folder that contains all of my planes, etc. Where can it be?

Although the sim runs…it is difficult to enjoy it without access to the Community folder (that I want to add scenery or planes to) or the questions surrounding why it is not showing up as MSFS on the SSD where I directed it.


What does disk management say? Because not all M.2 mainboards support NVme and confusingly there are also some that don’t support simple NAND (my B550M PRO-wifi included) and even then there are some older ones that only support M.2 wifi modules.

In notepad open file named Usercfg.opt

Scroll down to the last line.
Take a screenshot and attach to topic.

Probably is hidden.

Lol … I read it as if he was launching from the exe. file in the install which then of course would have been unhidden. But of course he only mentioned the path which is visible in the icon properties…

Tried your suggestion but not exactly sure how to do it. I opened notepad, selected Open, and typed in Usercfg.opt and it couldn’t find it.
Sorry for my ignorance on this procedure.
What are we looking for?

I absolutely made sure that files and folders were not hidden. Checked the right box there.

Usercfg.opt is in \Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache just right click and select open with then select more apps and notepad.

The very bottom will show your Packages path. It sounds like it’s probably on your empty drive under a hidden folder.

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Found it and the last line is as follows:

InstalledPackagesPath “C:\Users\Stan\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages”

I see a folder there that is called “Official”, and it does contain the airplanes in MSFS along with many other files.
I plan to check it out.

Community is inside packages folder.


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Problem solved. 2 folders under the C:Users (all the way to Flight Sim folder) are OFFICIAL and COMMUNITY. Seems that planes have to go into the OFFICIAL folder and Scenery goes into the COMMUNITY folder. I seems to work. Thank you for your help. Community used to be on the drive I put the sim on. Not in this case, but that’s OK.
Now I have to find a way to shorten my trip to these folders. Perhaps something on the desktop. I don’t know, but at least I’m back in business.
Thank you.


right click on your community folder and select “copy”. go to your desktop and right click into free space, select “insert shortcut”. there you go.

You have that wrong. All marketplace downloads and default aircraft/scenery shoud be in official and everything else in community.

DO NOT SWAP THEM AROUND or you will end up with a nerfed sim.

Just click on the game with rmb and click browse local files, it’ll take to the installation where everything is. If you’re ot on steam i assume there still should be something similar on xbox app.

Only from marketplace.

A32NX Flybywire should be in Community folder.
CRJ from Aerosoft shop should be in community folder.
CJ4 by WT team should be in community folder.
G1000/G3000 by WT team should be in community folder.
Aircraft from should be in community folder.
Airports, landmarks etc. from should be in community folder.

All modifications should be in community folder.

Go to


Windows 10
Right click on Community folder and select
Send to > desktop (create shortcut)

Windows 11
Right click on Community folder and select > show more options > send to > desktop (create shortcut)

You’re very welcome.

Mark as solution >

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