🛩️ Relaxed flight in the blue Caribbean

Lets have a fun time and chat together over the famous runways in the Caribbean islands! Far Isle wont be able to make it tonight, fingers crossed he’ll be able to join later in the evening

Flight plan (Little Navmap/MSFS): Blue Water, Tough Landings (Twin Otter).pln - Google Drive
We will begin our flight at TFFA - Desirade Airport

Multiplayer Info:
Server: East USA
All Players
Traffic: At your Discretion
Weather & Time: At your Discretion
Aircraft: Twin Otter or other cruising at ~150Kts (+/- 10kts).

Flight Time Scheduled to 2024-01-12T00:00:00Z2024-01-12T02:00:00Z
See you there!

Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/flyingcookie6508
MSFS Discord: https://discord.gg/msfs - Look for Group Flight/Podcast voice channel


I was worried there would be no fly-in today! Haven’t flown the Twotter in a while so looking forward to bringing it out of the hangar

Hope he is getting better! :slight_smile: Sad to see what he is going through, hope it continues to improve.


Things are improving, but its gunna take time. Tho tonight is more about a schedule conflict, hence my hope he might join towards the end.


Ahh yes long time since flown Twotter, if i remember the correct procedure, decrease throttle, decrease too much. Increase throttle. Impact ground throttle increase command catches up. :kangaroo:

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mandatory visit to the mechanic right after


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