Revelstoke Airport (CYRV) is nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Selkirk and Monashee mountain ranges, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the Canadian Rockies, challenging approaches & year round operations.
The Revelstoke Airport consists of one 4,825 foot runway, two taxiways, and a public apron supporting a two-storey terminal building, a private aircraft hangar with 14 rental bays, sightseeing & heliski aviation businesses, and wildfire suppression base. There is also a pond immediately adjacent to Runway 12-30 with a floating dock.
Brace yourself for a thrilling challenge as you navigate through the narrow valleys and unpredictable weather conditions surrounding the airport. The approach to Revelstoke Airport demands precision and skill, making it a favourite destination for seasoned pilots looking to put their abilities to the test.
- Custom 3D modeled terminal, hangars & buildings
- Open private hangar parking
- Animated floating seaplane dock with parking spot
- Animated dynamic windsock, flags & smoke
- Redrawn runway, aprons & ground markings
- Revelstoke Hydro Dam & spillway
- Eaglepass Heliport
- BC Wildfire Air Tanker & Initial Attack base
- GA static aircraft
- Two backcountry ski lodges with landing areas
- 10 POI glaciers & scenic wonders
- Airside and landside custom modeled scenery objects.
- Up to 4K high detail PBR textures
Requires: Canada World Update
This scenery is available via simMarket & . Hopefully coming to MSFS marketplace soon…
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