Is there any info yet on when you will release the update for the corsair?
Well, let’s see… anyone remember the NASCAR issues with kids and adults having a blast driving backwards on tracks ruining everyone’s fun. And, not to get political, but, also not to mention the particular issue the US has… and, finally, MS caught a TON of flack back in 2001, which they TOTALLY need/want to avoid.
I had somebody making passes at me in a jet the other day while I was flying down to Nantucket. It didn’t bother me, but, they’re out there.
Shall I go on?
(Not to mention I prefer to purchase direct anyway, so it’s no skin off my back. But I know others prefer to purchase from the Marketplace)
Any update on when this might be on the marketplace?
jk4185 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
jk4190 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
jk4188 by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
Loading cold and dark with a 20+ knot tail wind consistently causes a nose over. CG doesn’t seem to matter. It will do it at any position. Weight doesn’t seem to matter either. It nosed over a couple times even at 15 knots.
I had this happen to me not long after getting the aircraft, but instead of the other aircraft being stuck in the tarmac like in your image, it was the ramp crew that were walking knee deep in it. I changed to a different ramp location and it was fine, and not had the problem since. Just put it down to the sim just being the sim from time to time, but maybe there’s more to it than that.
We’re not sure about the nose over… It’s never happened on our end so… hard to fix something you can’t replicate.
Service Pack 1 incoming soon… (probably by the weekend)
I’m assuming that you’ve had a good response to the aircraft since release and that many people are flying it, so if it was a systematic problem across the board there would be more people reporting it on here and your forum.
As it’s only happened to me once, like I said before just put it down to the sim just being, the sim, as it does on occasion. Great news on the Service Pack too
Question for @Krazycolin
Your website product page has different minimum specs for the Corsair than the product manual. Drastically different. I know people who own it based on the minimum specs in the manual just fine. No way you need 8gb Vram for this plane, I know that, but what is intended to be correct?
I think they are just playing it safe. See, P3D has drastically changed how it handles VRAM since v5.1 and DX12. Now a ton of people with anything less than 8Gb VRAM either have to turn all kinds of settings WAY down or risk a DXGI Device Hung crash. Milviz fared poorly in their KingAir 350 product in that regard - it was one of the most demanding aircraft for the simulator in terms of how much VRAM it wanted.I can’t tell you how many threads I have seen on people looking for support for that. Granted, I can use it with 6 GB just fine, but I have had to fine-tune my settings over time to be able to do that. Initially, I struggled with that aircraft too. For most people, I wouldn’t recommend anything less than 8. They may just simply be covering their butts in order to not get a storm of people looking for support in case they run into issues like that.
AT THIS POINT, MSFS is way better than P3D in terms of VRAM management, so 8 is not required. What happens when DX12 comes this summer? THAT remains a mystery. A bunch of people MIGHT need to start turning down setting like on P3D.
Thanks for that feedback! That sets my mind at ease a bit. I think I’ll be ok. I have a 2060 6gb card, and fast CPU, and normally get 45-55 fps with the High Preset, so I think this Corsair should work ok for me too. I get about 30 fps in dense scenery with the FBW A320NX - my most complex plane.
I guess everyone’s systems are slightly different?
I am running a 2060 6GB card myself. You are fine in terms of that. I run the Sim on mostly Ultra settings at 1080p. Again, I don’t expect this to still work once DirectX 12 comes out. It requires a lot more VRAM to run, so I will be buying a new system at that point.
Interesting…how can they change the min requirements of the sim once DX12 comes out? And any idea when that will be?
That’s a little annoying…I just bought this system (couldnt budget any more).
Easy. If you haven’t noticed, you need beefier hardware to run the sim as smooth nowadays than when it first released. DX12 requires more because it manages resources differently. MSFS is implementing it this summer (that’s as much detail as we have right now)… It is what it is.
I bought mine last July and was planning to keep it for 2-3 years, but looks like I may need to do it this summer. It’s a laptop, so VRAM is not upgradeable… Oh well. At least budget isn’t really that much of a concern here.
Wow, I guess I (and many others, I’m sure) will have to enjoy MSFS2020 while I can, because in a few months we’ll likely have a slideshow.
I’m sure this is going to cause tons of drama. Huge disappointment. I suppose I wont be buying the Corsair afterall.
Well, off I go to sulk in despair. Wait. There’s always DCS.
This is all speculation at this point. At most, you will probably just have to turn down settings a little. Settle down there… There will be drama, but it’s not like there isn’t any drama every other day, so nothing changes.
Roger, settling.
I’m just saying, for a sim to have just come out and less than a year later do a major change and hardware requirement change…that’s pretty unprecedented. Sure, games evolve over time and require more hardware. I’m fine with that. But this JUST came out.
Its the same concept as the fictional hypothetical scenario of buying a Windows 10 computer, and less than a year later, Microsoft updates Win 10 and exceeds the previous hardware requirements, and the computer no longer runs well. That would cause outrage. And they’d never do that. It’s a slow and thoughtful evolution.
So, all I’m saying is if Asobo/MS does drop DX12 in a few months, and it does result in many who, like me, bought systems that, at release, far exceeded the min requirement, (and for me nearly reached the “ideal” requirements), only for it now to be unsuable/ requiring settings to be turned down, it WILL cause lots of very unhappy (and some irate) customers.
That’s no way to treat your customers. But like you said, we dont know yet. I’m just hoping they’re being careful not to drop a bunch of customers off a cliff.
Asobo keeps saying that they are making leaps and bounds in performance in getting ready for DX12, so hopefully it will run nicely once released. or more likely after a hotfix or two.