[RELEASED] DC Designs F-4 Phantom II Discussion

Same thing happened to me a while ago. You need to update to the latest version of the weapons pack available on flightsim.to. Hope this helps!

That helps a lot. Thanks Alan!


Do you have a link? The current user interface and search “functionality” of Flightsim is a joke - my search is bringing back liveries for every aircraft they make; lighting packages; texture mods; everything BUT the weapons pack patch. JFC that sight is such a mess since the redesign.



Hmm. The date stamps seem to match the version I already have installed and I see the same chock chains visual glitch discussed above. Will delete and reinstall to see if that fixes the issue.

Glad you got a quick answer but sorry you’ve still got the chains attached. I just double-checked to see if SU14 had broken yet another thing - but my install looks OK. No chains or anything else hanging from the aircraft. I’m on version 3.4 of the mod. Did you make sure to move the aircraft-specific mod to your community folder? Each aircraft needs its own mod. I believe the folder specifies F-4E but ought to work for all versions. Let us know if the reinstall helps.

Agree about Flightsim.to functionality. I have a similar level of frustration with DC Designs’ documentation - aircraft like the F-16 have had major procedures overhauls but the manual doesn’t seem to have been updated. Sort of a solve-it-yourself adventure. A shame given their commitment to ease of use, which I like. Hope they’ll address that.

And hope you get unchained


Took the Phantom out for a brief hop around Oahu and it appears to be sorted. Not sure what was going on before but all good now. :slight_smile:


Finally nabbed this in the MSFS Sale and I was wondering how to use the radar?

The manual doesnt explain and I cant find any video tutorials

There’s a dial with the double headed arrows just to the right of the radar which changes between air-ground/air-air/map etc, and to the left is a range knob which will adjust the distance of the radar image. Hope that helps (I only bought it today, so am working my way through the systems myself!)


Well i tried that but couldnt see anything on radar, not sure if i did it wrong or there was just nothing to detect

Boresight mentioned it in this video, and also explains how the various navigation options and automatic flight control system works. Well worth a watch.

cool, ill give it a watch

Nope, this ■■■■ thing just wont work for me, I have a sky full of plane, have it set to RDR mode and cant see anything on the scope.

What mode exactly do you need to pick up other planes on radar?

Set it to a2a mode

Im not sure what you’re expecting to see but a2a contacts appear as circles with a direction marker. Simple as that

OK i have BST, RDR, MAP, AG, BCN and TV.

No AA option so which is it?

I really dont understand why this unique system for in the F-4 for MSFS is not documented properly in the F-4 manual

That’s what you’re looking for
 A circle with a direction line coming from it. That’s an aircraft. :+1:t2:


That will be addressed soon with Phantom updates. However, with major changes coming to flight sim this year, we’re waiting to make sure that radar is still working before doing anything too drastic on the avionics front. We only provide support for our products on Facebook and Discord, and very rarely visit these forums;

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Your recollections about the F-4 Phantom II at airshows mirrors my own. I didn’t see them in demonstration teams, but I do remember a flight of them flying over from an air base in Washington State (I was in BC Canada at the time). I too thought it was the loudest aircraft I had ever heard! They rumbled in the pit of my stomach!

The only aircraft young me was more impressed with was the F-111. Two of them flew over at a couple hundred feet doing more than Mach 1. They were specks on the horizon and then they were silently overhead followed by a terrific sonic boom! I couldn’t believe how fast they came in! It was quite a sight!


F-4E/J/FGR2 Phantom update v.0.1.3 on its way to vendors and the Marketplace;


Corrected undercarriage “stance”
Corrected gear door animations
Corrected UV alignment for new gear door shapes
Added drag chute animation via spoilers
Removed excess light entries in systems.cfg
Corrected F-4E landing light and taxi light visibility
Flaps entries corrected to degrees from radians
Flight performance parameters enhanced with help from former RAF Phantom crew Dave Gledhill ( WSO ) and Paddy O’Flynn ( Pilot )
Texture improvements on cockpit canopy frame
PBR flags added during compile for better appearance
New ejection seat models added to both cockpits
Afterburner animation effects enlarged to match exhaust cans