[released] FSReborn FSR500

Thanks. I may want to update that link as I found in later sim versions that the prop feathering didn’t always trigger. And it was a surprisingly easy fix if I remember right. I just add in a tiny delay between the prop lever being set to physical “100”, and SPAD changing this to this really large number which actually means fully feathered. I may have documented that somewhere else.

100ms delay made it bullet proof if memory serves. This was needed because the virtual cockpit goes from +100 to -25 for prop feathering, but the axis doesn’t. I couldn’t get it to do it more granularly than this, but I rationalised this by wondering why you would ever partially feather the prop. So when you bring your physical prop lever back to 100, SPAD waits 100ms then sets that axis to that really high number. The prop feathers, and the VC lever will jump from one position to another instantly, but the prop itself will animate correctly, and gradually feather.