[RELEASED] Gee Bee R3 Special - Got Friends

Please get the sound right!

You’ll be able to hear it in the trailer for sure :slight_smile:

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It looks like it wants to kill me.

I love it already.

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AIRPAC1 with another gorgeous drop!

He is leading the way with some liveries during the Beta! Don’t worry! You’ll be able to sand her down and place her on yours as well!


Looks fantastic! I can’t wait to fly it :star_struck:

I’m just concerned because so far you haven’t made any emphasis on sound. It also does not seem like your team has a sound expert. Sound is a very big part of immersion so I really hope this aircraft can excel in that regard.

Where can this be bought from? and what price are we looking at?

I hate sanding!

Plane is looking great, good luck for the launch.

Answered earlier in the thread - $15 from some currently secret new distribution partner :man_shrugging:

I’m keen to get the plane but in all honesty unless this platform blows me away I will likely wait for it to appear on marketplace as I already find the non-marketplace planes I have somewhat tedious to keep up to date.

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So you dont mind waiting over a month for updates? or better yet your add-on being 2 versions behind?

Yeah, you will have all the time you need to keep your Marketplace aircraft up to date. :grin:

I’ve got many marketplace addons and not had any issues… if updates are slower then so be it, and hopefully processes will improve in the future.

I do have a few outside the marketplace, but not particularly keen on adding significantly more unless it’s necessary eg warbirds where marketplace neuters them. Or here if it’s a plane I want but never ends up never going to marketplace for example.

It’s just a personal preference, and in no way impacts anyone else so live and let live eh?

Of course you should do what fits you best. A friend of mine, he turned 80 last month, wouldn’t be able to mess around with all the different vendors and uses the Marketplace just because it’s easy. And maybe I will also do so in some years.

We are coming to Xbox! Not from Day 1, but soon after!


errr - that’s a fugly green smoke …but aside from that - this is great news for youz - congrats

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Without further ado, Got Friends brings you:



Can we hear the sound?

so this going to be free or a new ecom at Flightsim.to…Excited!!

I am confused. Is it released now or is there still further ado? If so, where do you want my money :wink:

They already announced $15, so I assume flightsim.to must be adding a new payware capability.

Great news regarding your MSFS marketplace acceptance.

Would love to see a video with sounds, is it going out to any reviewers?


On the website there is a payware page. It’s currently under development so I’m not sure if soon means they have approved it and we are waiting for that or if its going to be live soon.

I’m torn as love the smoke but also feel have a few aircraft similar in style so may wait for videos and see how my purse is at time :slight_smile: