[RELEASED] Hangar Studios 713 North American Ryan Navion L-17B

The L-17B Navion is a 4-seat, single-engine, low-wing monoplane manufactured by American aircraft company Ryan Aeronautical. The L-17B is the military variant of the Ryan Navion A aircraft, which took its maiden flight in April of 1946. A total of 163 L-17Bs were created, 158 of which were delivered to the United States Air Force and five of which were delivered to the Hellenic (Greek) Air Force. Operationally, the L-17B had a variety of intended roles, including trainer, personnel and cargo transport, and liaison.The L-17B traces its lineage to the end of World War II, when North American Aviation, producer of the famed P-51 Mustang, sought to ride a predicted wave of civil fight enthusiasm. North American reportedly developed the original civil Navion (using its initials, NA, for the first two letters of the aircraft’s name) in roughly 30 days. Engineers incorporated some of the P-51’s design elements into the new civilian aircraft, notably the squared wing tips, squared stabilizers on the empennage, and a sliding canopy. The Navion took its maiden flight in April of 1946 and it quickly became known for its great short field performance and rugged build. North American sold the design to Ryan Aeronautical in 1947.Notable features of the L-17B Navion include side-by-side seating, a sliding canopy, and a retractable tricycle undercarriage. The main wing has just over seven degrees of dihedral, making the aircraft particularly forgiving throughout a wide range of speeds. It measures 27 feet, 6 inches in length, stands 8 feet, 8 inches tall, and has a wingspan of 33 feet, 5 inches. The L-17B is powered by a single 6-cylinder Continental E185-9 piston engine that produces up to 205 horsepower.The L-17B Navion has a range of 701 miles, a service ceiling of 15,000 feet above sea level, and a climb rate of 1,100 feet per minute. It cruises at 163 miles per hour and has a top speed of 174 mph. It can launch with just 400 feet of ground run and land in 875 feet.




Can’t wait! I have gotten many hours out of the previous two Navions from you!

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1st 9 are almost done - 6 more liveries to go. All of the liveries will also be available in the ski variant

And as always - Lots of options coming in this plane with a new clip board.


Total of 20 for the final build. I still have a ways to go with finishing these and touching them all up of course. Sorry for the low res, best I could do file size wise.

17 of these are from real Navions, Not all L-17’s but most are, I’ll be including the actual ATC ID’s with them all except the 3 Fictional Liveries(2 are very similar to real planes as well Thunderbirds/Coast Guard) - Only 1 is truly fictional (WASP/Pink)

I’m working on the custom smoke next.

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Smoke is coming along nicely!

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Is this an upgrade to the Ryan Navion already on the Marketplace or a separate package?

I really like the look of the Navion in military colours however the Marketplace version only seems to show civilian schemes and a much more modern cockpit.

It’s a completely different plane. I’ll be posting a description soon. In the mean time - check out this website for more information - http://www.l-17.org/ - one of the owners who upkeeps this website, I have his plane(s) in the liveries.

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Teaser #1 https://youtu.be/nXccOGtXnpA?si=vI1-GzbCNaGIeLZD

This smoke looks absolutely fantastic. Really lookin forward to this one!

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@B4Gunner, I’m excited for this! Been a fan since I bought your Twin Navion at launch and watched how incredibly it improved over time!

Just one nitpick that’s minor but really affects the visuals on your exteriors. The model looks fantastic, but the USAF star-and-bars insignia is disproportioned in your screenshots, with bars way too long.

Actual Navion:

And N4888K:

VS the decal on your livery premiere:

It looks like the same star-and-bars is on all your US models. If you could update that to a properly proportioned one it’s going to make the package look a lot more professional.

Otherwise, the package looks awesome!

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I’ve actually gone through and shortened some of the stars and bars on some of the Liveries, not sure if this was one of them. Those screenshots are outdated to the livery changes I have made recently. Thank for pointing it out though. Edit* Also the camera angle skews it a bit so its hard to really see it unless its face on. Chad Hawthorne, the owner of N4888K checked it out personally and didn’t say anything. I will ask him his thoughts and move on it if needed. After all his tip tanks are missing…:wink:


New Preview Trailer!


Looking forward to this, the Navion seems like a great blend of warbird and GA genres.

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Should be available on all 3 - 3rd party websites now for PC version. - Yes, it will be coming to Xbox at a later date and the Official Marketplace

ORBX - Ryan Navion L-17B & L-17D - Orbx


Flightsim.to - https://flightsim.to/product/north-american-ryan-navion-l-17b


Final Trailer for 3rd party websites:

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Official Release is tomorrow - Thursday April 4th for Microsoft Marketplace for the L-17’s for both PC and Xbox versions


Call me a customer, I love the work you did with this plane.

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Sorry to ask what may be a daft question.
If I buy the marketplace L-17B , will it be identical to the PC Version sold by Simmarket,Orbx,Flightsim.to?
Does it have a ski version?