Hi Everyone! in case you missed it, Dave Garwood has released the Hawker Hunter twin seaters over at flightsim.to and cbfsim.co.uk. This aircraft includes some enhancements over the single seaters and beautiful modelling and cockpit.
Took it up for a short hop test flight. Does what it says on the tin. Nice modeling for a first generation jet.
Downloaded this on Tuesday and been out in it a few times. Really nicely done, feels heavy and ponderous when you try to throw it around. Nice liveries included too. Excellent free addon.
Dave Garwood did a tremendous job on the single seater so I’m really looking forward to trying this one out.
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Just did a few flights… Excellent !!
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This is really very good.
The texturing and sounds are better than some payware jets.
Really like how the aircraft handles, it even has a very nice manual - instruction booklet with all the needed information to fly the jet.
Really a great work by the dev here.